A Quick Thing (Not an Update)

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I'm so happy all of you seem to be enjoying the story (I feel loved and accomplished). However, I may not be updating as frequently during the week because I am very busy with school, volleyball, and my campaign for historian in my Leadership class.

(Plus, I'm kind of slacking off on my homework which is a huge 'no-no' in my world.)

I really don't want to create half-ass chapters and post them when I know that I could have done better if I gave myself more time. That's not fair to you guys.

So, expect updates probably every Tuesday night and definitely on the weekends! (I may or may not post at other times, it just depends.)

Now, I really have to put this freaking portfolio together before my dad gets home in like 20 minutes (my procrastination game is strong, you guys).

Ta-ta for now!

I love you all!

Thank you so much for everything you do. :) I hope you have a good week.

Much love,


(Y'alls better wish me luck for my speech, because I'm freaking panicking man.)

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