Chapter 4: A Message for Harry

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When they landed, Draco removed the stunning spell and pushed her away from him so roughly, Hermione stumbled backward. She steadied herself and looked around.

They were in a living room but it wasn't Malfoy Manor. It was much smaller and more modest than that, although not pitiful by any means. There was a fireplace in the corner, a couch behind her and a reclining chair facing it. She could make out stairs leading to a second story on the far side of the room, and, on the other side, the living area connected to a kitchen and dining room.

Although there was a fire in the fireplace warming the room, Hermione shivered.

Where am I? she wondered.

Was Voldemort here? Other Death Eaters? The house seemed quiet, but she was still fearful.

She could see that there were large windows around the house, but all the curtains were drawn so she couldn't see the landscape outside to help guess where she was.

Across from her, Draco was fiddling with his wand and a piece of parchment. She noticed the parchment was suspended in the air with a glowing light emitting from it. Draco strode over to her and pushed her down on the couch.

"Sit down," he barked. He seemed to be in a much fouler mood than he had been before she had answered his questions.

His attitude should have scared her, but instead it made her angry.

"Whatever you're planning, it's not going to work! I don't care what you do to me, I'm not going to help you find Harry."

The next words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them.

"Are you trying to track him down for Voldemort? What, are you his obedient little dog that he has fetch and carry for him?" She snapped vehemently, "Now that your father's dead, Voldemort sends you to do his dirty work? You're pathetic!"

Rage burning in his eyes, Draco grabbed her brusquely by the shoulder and growled, "Don't you dare talk about my father!"

He released her forcefully, then cast a binding spell on her. She squirmed and fought against it, to no avail. Invisible bonds wrapped around her legs and pinned her arms to her side, keeping her planted on the couch.

Draco turned his back on her and pushed up the sleeves on his shirt. Hermione gasped when she saw the Dark Mark on the pale skin of his left arm. Harry had told her Draco had it, so she shouldn't have been surprised. But seeing it for herself made it a reality.

"You really are one of them," she breathed quietly, transfixed by the evil skull-and-snake tattoo.

Draco glanced back at her with a glare but didn't say anything. Instead he shot his wand forward at the floating parchment.


"Harry Potter," he drawled at the parchment, and Hermione realized he was recording a message with it, like a video camera.

"You're a hard man to track down," Draco sneered. "But, never mind, I've found a way to make you come to me."

He took a step back and grabbed Hermione's chin with one hand, pressing his wand against her throat with the other. The pressure caused her to strain her neck up and backward.

"I have your precious little Granger as a houseguest and I'm prepared to let her stay the week. So far, she is unharmed and will remain so, as long as you meet me here. You better show up, Potter, otherwise I won't be inclined to keep your little bookworm safe."

The reality of what was happening sank in. Draco Malfoy had kidnapped her as bait to get Harry out in the open.

"Follow the instructions I've laid out below or you won't be getting her back in one piece."

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