Chapter 22: Coming Home

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Draco was once again back at his wooded home where he and Hermione had spent Christmas.

He had almost completely cleaned the place out, as his luggage lay packed in one corner with boxes of things he would put into storage next to them.

Harry had been true to his word. Draco had met with several Ministry and Wizengamot officials who reviewed his case and pardoned him from spending any time in Azkaban. Besides some restrictions on the type of magic he could perform, Draco Malfoy was a free man.

He looked around the empty room, memories flashing back to him. The couch where Hermione had sat when he first brought her there and he had created his message to Potter; the table where they had shared many meals but had shared more stories; and the radio that had played Christmas carols as they danced in the dining room, where he had finally kissed her.

Draco had found his mother in New Zealand and restored her memory, then filled her in on everything he had done in her absence. He left nothing out, including his feelings for Hermione. He didn't know if she would approve, but he didn't feel ashamed.

Narcissa Malfoy cried at many points in his story, especially at the end.

"It's over," she whispered, "it's finally over." She turned her sad eyes on her son and said, "I never wanted you to be like him, Draco. But your father...was so insistent..."

She shook her head. "I'm glad, in the end, you became your own man."

Draco was shocked. It was the kindest thing his mother had ever said to him. Then she squeezed his hand. "I'd like to meet this Hermione Granger again. She seems like a remarkable girl."

His mother had returned to Malfoy Manor and was arranging to sell it. She told him she thought she'd like to go back to New Zealand to live, where the Malfoy name wasn't so well known, and she would make a new life for herself. Draco planned to go with her and help her get settled, but he wouldn't stay.

When he originally returned to his house in the woods, he thought he might make it his home. But the memories of the time he and Hermione had spent there together were too fresh in his mind. He knew he would always miss her, but there, it was almost unbearable. He felt her everywhere.

He decided he would make a clean break, perhaps travel for a while, until he found somewhere new to settle down. Somewhere where he, like his mother, could make his own name for himself.

Draco had just finished packing up the nativity set on the mantel and was about to start removing the Christmas tree decorations when he heard the kitchen door open.

He spun around and saw Hermione standing there, removing her cloak and hanging it on the same spot she had when she had stayed with him.

He stared at her, glass ornament in hand. "What are you doing here?"

She walked over to him and stood beside him, gazing up at the mostly-decorated Christmas tree. Although it wasn't illuminated, she said, "This is still the most beautiful tree I've ever seen."

Then she turned to face him. "Why did you leave so soon, after the battle? Everyone wanted to thank you."

He gave a quick disbelieving laugh. "I'm sure they survived fine without me. Besides, I needed to find my mother and...make plans."

She nodded slowly. "Yes, I brought my parents back a few days ago. They were slightly angry with me but mostly relieved." She smiled.

Draco returned her smile. "I'm glad they're safe and you get to be with them again. I bet they missed you, when their memories were gone, even without realizing it." He felt that if he Obliviated her from his memory, she would still be burned there somehow.

"What are you going to do now?" Hermione asked him curiously, as she took an ornament off the tree and placed it in wrappings from a box he had out.

Draco shrugged his shoulders, removing a tinkling reindeer chime ornament. "Travel, finish school by correspondence, if I can." He had never attended his seventh year at Hogwarts, due to being confined to the Manor while it was headquarters for the Death Eaters.

Hermione nodded. "I'm sure you'll be able to. Harry and Ron are." She looked up at him. "I already said I'd help them. I can help you too, if you want."

"Can't resist the chance to be a know-it-all, can you?" he teased, but his words held no malice.

She made a face at him and he smiled kindly at her as he said, "Thanks, but I'm sure I'll manage okay."

Hermione stared at a silver glass snowflake ornament she was holding and said quietly, "What Voldemort said about me...when he read your that true?"

Draco turned to face her and saw her fiddling uncomfortably with the ornament in her hands, eyes down, holding her breath.

"Yes," Draco sighed, trying to keep the emotion out of his voice. "I'm afraid so."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She looked up at him, sounding angry.

"Come on, Hermione." He ran a quick hand through his hair. "You really think we make sense together? Think about our history, your family, your one would like it. We'd be up against the world."

"No," her expression softened, "I guess we don't. But it also doesn't make any sense that a few weeks ago, I went to a Christmas party and danced with a mysterious man who was nothing like he seemed, and now...I'm in love with him, too."

Draco swallowed, taking a step towards her. "You are?"

"Yes," she lifted her chin defiantly, "and I think he's arrogant and obnoxious enough not to care what anyone else thinks."

Draco thought about this for a moment, then laughed. "I hear he's also incredibly handsome and charming."

Hermione rolled her eyes and smirked. "With an ego the size of Hogwarts."

Draco's expression turned serious, and he spoke softly as he pushed up the sleeve of his left arm, exposing his Dark Mark. "This is always going to be here, you past...our history..."

Hermione laid a tender hand on his marked skin and looked into his gray eyes.

"When I look at it now, I don't see a Death Eater. I see someone who was strong enough to stand up against everything he was taught to believe and find his own way." She shook her head. "I don't care about your past...I care about your future."

As her words sank in, suddenly, he knew she was right about the two of them. It didn't make sense, but he didn't care. She loved him back, despite everything, and that was all that mattered.

"I love you, Hermione Granger," he said softly, placing a gentle hand on her cheek.

"I love you too, Draco Malfoy." As she smiled back at him, they both heard a soft rustling noise over their heads. They looked up and saw a large bloom of mistletoe magically growing above them.

"I see you never removed the spell that gives me everything I need," she laughed.

"And I never will," he replied, just before kissing her.


A/N: Finally, right?!? Keep reading for the Epilogue. I'm posting it right away! But don't forget to VOTE and share your thoughts on this chapter :) 

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