Chapter 17: A Christmas Carol

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A/N: I just found out this morning that this story made it as a Finalists in the Winter Wonder War Writing Contest by @The-Writers-Corner in the Romance category! I'm so very excited!! Thank you to all my readers for your continued support of this story. I truly appreciate it! 


Draco could not for the life of him understand why anyone would voluntarily, every year, do everything that he had just done for one day of celebration.

However, as he stood back and surveyed his work, he was quite pleased.

In the corner of the living room, in perfect view of the dining table, a large pine tree stood, decorated to the brim. Earlier that day, he had magicked one in from the backyard and then proceeded to levitate decoration after decoration onto it.

At the Muggle store earlier, he had been completely bewildered, trying to figure out what he needed to get to decorate a Christmas tree. Then he had seen one on display that looked perfect.

The lights were every color, not stark white like his mother had always decorated their tree with, and they flashed and twinkled at random in their own happy dance. He had been drawn to them because they reminded him of Hermione—lively, unpredictable, and bright.

Then he had chosen a variety of glass balls and ornaments to add to the tree in many shapes, sizes, and colors.

Next had come silver tinsel which had ended up everywhere, but now looking at the effect it had with the lights in the dark, it was perfect. The entire tree shimmered and sparkled, coming to life.

Finally, the finishing touch had been a delicate angel, holding lights of her own. Draco couldn't help but think she looked a lot like Hermione with her rich brunette curls and soft brown eyes. Merlin, what was happening to him? He sounded like a sap.

In the kitchen, he had laid out the meal he had prepared, one that the Muggle bookstore owner had assured him was a traditional Christmas feast. She had found him the recipe book to show him how to prepare it and now on the table sat a roast turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and warm rolls with butter. A bottle of sparkling champagne was also waiting on ice.

The lights were dim in the dining room where Draco had also placed a variety of candles. In the background, soft Christmas carols played from the radio Hermione had inadvertently summoned.

Everything looked perfect. Even though he had nearly died wrestling the tree, the lights, the ornaments, and that stupid turkey, it had all come together. He hoped she liked it.

Draco took a moment to clean his shirt, pants, and hair with his wand, then placed his wand in his jacket where he also had her gift.

Then he slipped his jacket on and started upstairs to find her.

He knocked on her door and when she opened it, he couldn't help but smile.

"You look beautiful."

"Th-thank you," Hermione stammered as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

Draco chuckled to himself about how unaware she seemed of her own presence. It endeared her to him more. She looked absolutely stunning with her hair full and her features vibrant.

He took one of her hands in his, gently, happy when she didn't pull away.

"Close your eyes."

"Why?" Now she looked even more uncomfortable.

"For the full effect." He rolled his eyes but smiled. "I promise nothing bad will happen."

She frowned for a moment but then complied.

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