Chapter 6: Questions

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Hermione Granger was walking through a dark forest with Harry and Ron. She could feel a warm summer breeze blowing around her and she knew they would have to make camp soon, as twilight was fast approaching.

Things hadn't been easy the past few weeks. They were all tired, on edge, and scared. But she was happy they were alive and together.

Suddenly she heard a popping sound behind her and voices.


What happened in the next few minutes was a blur.

She was running faster than ever before in her life. Every few seconds, she would turn and cast a wayward spell behind her, toward the predatory footsteps closing in.

Suddenly, rough hands caught her from behind and pulled her backward.

"Hello, beautiful," a snarling voice whispered in her ear, sending a tremble of fear racing down her spine.

She knew that voice. It belonged to Fenrir Greyback, a dangerous werewolf and ally to Voldemort. He leaned into her and breathed in her scent as she struggled to break away.

Suddenly, Greyback was leading her up the steps to Malfoy Manor. She looked around, but Harry and Ron were nowhere to be seen.

What happened to them? Were they captured? Would they come for her?

Greyback pushed her roughly into the foyer of the Manor and she stumbled forward, falling onto the ground of the cold marble floor.

She lifted her head and saw a shadow materialize from the dark corner of the room and make its way towards her.

Draco Malfoy strode over to her with an arrogant swagger, dressed in his signature black pants, dress shirt, and jacket. He sneered at her menacingly.

"So nice of you to join us this evening, Granger. But where are your friends? Didn't Potter and Weasley want to join the fun?"

She heard cruel laughter echo in the room around her.

She struggled to lift herself off the ground, but Malfoy raised his shiny black shoe and brutally pressed it down on her back. Her head smacked against the hard floor, causing her vision to swim.

Draco knelt beside her and viciously pulled her head up by her hair, staring into her eyes.

"Not so fast," he snarled. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me where Potter is."

Hermione stared defiantly into his cold gray eyes. Never could she remember seeing as much hate in them as she saw right now.

"I'll never tell you!" she spat back.

He twisted his mouth into an evil grimace and released her hair, then kicked her so violently that she flipped over and now lay on her back.

"Wrong answer." His voice was low and dangerous as he pulled his wand on her.


The pain that shot through her was unbearable as her screams tore through the air.


Draco shot up in bed, confused and blinking fast. Muffled screams filled his ears and tore him from the peaceful sleep he had needed so desperately.

He looked around his dark room, trying to place where the wretched sound was coming from.

Suddenly it hit him.

If Only in My Dreams (Dramione)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن