Chapter 11: Love Stories

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A/N: The link I included is the song mentioned in this chapter, Dream a Little Dream of Me, by the Mamas and the Papas. Figured I'd share in case anyone wanted to listen to it set the mood. Enjoy!

Hermione awoke the next morning to the first rays of sunlight streaming in from a crack in the rich blue curtains. She turned over and checked the time. 6:30 a.m.

Even though she hadn't taken the Dream-Blocking Draught, she had slept well. She was especially relieved that she hadn't had any nightmares because, if she had, Draco would have known she hadn't taken the draught and may have become suspicious.

She pulled off the covers and headed towards the closet. She picked a soft jeweled-tone jumper and slim black pants then went to shower quickly.

After showering and dressing, Hermione headed down to the kitchen and was relieved to find it empty. She pulled open the fridge and began to take out ingredients for an omelet. If her plan was going to work, she needed Draco to be comfortable with her cooking for him.

She flipped on the radio that the house had given her yesterday and smiled when another familiar song rang out. Suddenly, she was transported back to her childhood and felt safe.

As she worked, grating potatoes for hash browns, the sun gradually rose over the snowy white grounds outside the window. Between the view, her cooking, and the familiar music, she found herself singing and swaying along to the much-loved songs of her past.

The music cheered Hermione and she smiled, knowing that she had a possible plan that could help her get home.


When Draco woke up that morning, the first thing he thought was that he felt more rested than he had in ages.

The second thing he thought was that he was relieved Hermione apparently hadn't had another nightmare. She must have taken the Dream-Blocking Draught he had given her.

He recalled her initial hesitation when he had offered it to her. No doubt she had been worried that he had tampered with the pill in some way and it would harm her. He found himself feeling glad that she had trusted him enough to take it.

He got out of bed, showered and dressed, then headed downstairs. When he got there, he was surprised to hear music coming from the kitchen. It was only seven-thirty. Was Hermione awake already?

As he got closer, not only did he hear music playing but he also heard Hermione softly singing along. She, surprisingly, had a nice voice.

Draco hesitated near the entrance of the kitchen. He could hear the movement of dishes and smell onions frying. Hermione came into view with her back to him. As she dropped ingredients into a frying pan, she swayed in time to the music.

Snippets of whimsical lyrics flowed easily off her tongue, ending in a playful request. "Dream a little dream of me," she sang, adding in her own lilts to the alluring melody.

Draco smiled at the sight of her so clearly in her own world. The poetry of the song seemed odd to him, especially coming from her lips, but he decided he liked it and the catchy tune.

Not wanting Hermione to turn around and see him watching her, Draco strode into the kitchen.

"What on earth are you listening to, Granger?"

Hermione visibly jumped and spun around to face him. "Merlin, Malfoy!" she scolded him. "You scared me half to death!"

"Sorry." He gave her a crooked smile, not looking sorry at all. He opened the cupboard and pulled out a coffee cup.

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