Chapter 12: Dream a Little Dream of Me

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A/N: Before I write another word, I need to give a HUGE shoutout to  @silverstorme for designing a new cover for this story! She did an amazing job and I am so grateful! If you haven't already, check out her Marauder's story Promise to the Past. It's sooo good and very original! I can't wait to read more of it!!


After lunch, Hermione made her way into the library and found Draco already there, seated at the same desk he had been at yesterday. He glanced up briefly when she walked in but didn't greet her.

She made her way over to the shelves, looking for a book that might help her with the nagging question in her brain.

She pulled out a book titled Magical Pills, Potions, & Cures and searched the index for Dream-Blocking Draught. She found it listed and flipped to the appropriate page.

The Dream-Blocking Draught is a very mild, common pill or potion designed to grant relief to those suffering from disturbing dreams.

It is most commonly used to help those who have experienced a traumatic event and is generally considered very safe and non-habit forming.

One dose will not have any physical effect on the user besides blocking his dreams when he falls asleep.

Two doses will block the user's dreams but also cause him to feel drowsy with a sense of contentment. It will aid those struggling to fall asleep, as well as keep their dreams at bay when they do.

Three doses are rarely used and will knock the user completely unconscious for a span of an hour while still blocking dreams. Because the effects are short-lived, this dosage is seldom taken for sleeping ailments.

Four doses taken at once is lethal and the only known antidote is the essence of clover flower.

See Dreamless Sleeping Draught: the preferred, safer alternative for those looking to fall into an instant, dreamless sleep.

Hermione's hunch had been correct. If she could get three Dream-Blocking draughts from Draco and hide them in his food, she might be able to escape. She closed the book and slid it back on the shelf. The question was whether he would give her any more pills.

This morning, he had asked about the draught he had given her and seemed pleased when she had lied and said it had helped her. She decided if he didn't offer her one tonight, she would ask him for it.

Having decided that, she perused the shelves for books that interested her and picked one or two somewhat absentmindedly, all the while her mind stirring over her plan.

Every day she was there was a greater risk that Harry had gotten Draco's message and would show up to save her. The thought worried her. Even though Draco had said he just wanted to talk with Harry, she still didn't trust him.

Even if that was true, and he had no intention of turning Harry over to Voldemort, what if Harry refused Draco's alleged proposal?

Even if Draco didn't currently have anything sinister planned, he was very clearly a desperate man on a mission. If something stood in the way of that, he may decide to eliminate any obstacles that stood in his path. Meaning, her and Harry.

And then there was the possibility that Draco had lied to her and was working with Voldemort and would hand both Harry and her over to him when he had them.

After all, just because his behavior had been kinder than she expected, she knew it could all be a ruse to lull her into a false sense of security. For all she knew, Draco was looking to strike up a strange friendship with her, get her to trust him, and then use it against her.

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