Chapter 13: Sweet Dreams

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Hermione ran her fingers along the spines of the books in front of her as she perused the library shelves. She knew she had seen the book she needed here a few weeks ago.

She pursed her lips, mentally repeating the title she was searching for. On her left hand, a large emerald ring sparkled in the sunlight that was shining in from the large picture window across the room.

She was so engrossed in her task that she didn't even hear footsteps coming up behind her. Suddenly, a strong arm wrapped itself around her waist and a smooth, masculine voice said in her ear, "There you are. I should have known you would be in here."

She smiled but told herself she needed to focus. "I'm still trying to find that book Mr. Beems asked me about a few days ago."

"You work too hard," the voice chided her gently. "Besides, Harry and Ginny are going to be here soon for dinner. How will it look if you aren't there to greet them? We don't want them thinking you've left me," he teased.

"Mmmhmm," she answered absentmindedly, still engrossed with the task at hand.

Not at all pleased by being ignored, her companion switched up his tactic by taking his other hand and brushing her hair away from one of her shoulders, placing soft kisses on her neck.

That got her attention as tingles of pleasure ran down her spine.

"Draco," she exclaimed breathlessly, a smile spreading over her face. He brought his kisses down to her collarbone and she let out a blissful sigh and said, "All right, you win. I'll give up my search, but you have to help me look tomorrow."

"Deal," he said, then turned her around to face him. "I knew you couldn't resist me for long," he said smugly and pulled her body in closer to his.

Hermione put her arms around his neck and chided him, "You're like a petulant child sometimes, you know that?"

"What can I say? I'm a jealous man and this library is my top competitor for your affection." Draco's gray eyes were teasing. "If I wasn't so handsome, I might worry that you only married me for my books."

Then his look turned serious.

"You drive me crazy, Mrs. Draco Malfoy," he said in a low voice, before placing a passionate kiss on her lips that took her breath away.


Hermione awoke with a start, eyes opening wide as she struggled to get her bearings after her strange dream. An all-too-familiar voice said smugly, "Sweet dreams, Granger?"

She turned and saw a smirking Draco Malfoy watching her, book in hand, looking much too pleased with himself. Remembering her dream, she blushed a deep shade of crimson and averted her gaze, sitting up.

"No," she answered, trying to regain her composure. "Actually, the dream I had was rather ghastly."

"Really?" He leaned in closer to her. "It didn't sound that way to me. In fact, it sounded like you were quite enjoying yourself."

She glared at him, exasperated, her head still foggy from sleep. "What are you talking about?"

He crossed his arms in front of his chest as if challenging her to deny it.

"You said my name, Granger."

Hermione cursed mentally, then disentangled herself from her blanket and got up off the couch, taking her stack of books with her.

"Not so fast." Draco got up after her. "What, exactly, were you dreaming about?"

"Nothing important." She tried to keep her voice steady, so she could bluff her way out of the situation. "We were at Hogwarts in Potions class, and you and I were paired up. We were making Draught of Living Death potion." She shoved one of the books in her hands back on the shelf.

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