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The distorted images of his last rampage filled his mind. It had been a month already and he just couldn't wait anymore. He accelerated into the night.

It was late and dark outside. He found a motel located along a dirt road. He parked within walking distance then approached on foot.

Certain no one had seen him or his vehicle, he hid behind the dumpster at the back of the motel.

A car drove to the back of the motel and parked in front of a street level room.

From behind the dumpster, he watched the father open the motel door. The mother followed him with a sleeping child in her arms. The father went back to the car for the luggage. The light was on inside the room and the curtains were not pulled yet. The mother had long golden hair.

This was perfect, he thought.

His pulse quickened in anticipation and his palms sweated. The father was average height, he shouldn't give him too much trouble.

He waited for the lights to go off then he knocked.

The father answered. "Yes?"

The fathers always answered and they were always the first one to succumb.

Voyage of Discovery (Sue Thomas FBEye)Where stories live. Discover now