Chapter Eleven

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Since the women were not back by the time Peter returned from work, the men decided to take care of supper.

"It smells delicious in here," mentioned Sue as she came in, holding a few boxes.

Jay was behind her, followed by her mom who was carrying more bags.

"What did you do? Robbed the entire store?" asked Jack.

"We found everything, Jack," said Sue, kissing him. "But my legs are dead."

"I will take care of them later tonight," he mouthed for her eyes only. "Give me the boxes, I will carry them in the bedroom," he offered. "If you are hungry, supper is ready."

"We are starving," said Carla. "Thank you." She gave Jack her bags as well.

When Jack got back, supper was on the table. Jack told Sue that he spent the afternoon house hunting on the web. He had sixteen houses to show her tonight. He also talked to Anne Leland, she would be their agent.

Sue remembered Lucy mentioning Anne's new job. Apparently she was very good at it.

"Anne wants us to go through what we found and tell her what we like in each so she can try to find us the perfect house."

So it became their plan for the evening.

After they were kicked out of the kitchen by Peter and that Carla offered to give Jay her bath, Sue and Jack sat in the living with the laptop and began virtually visiting the houses. Sue liked that area of the city. They were three so far, within the right price range, that Sue fancied more than the others.

"Your mom is calling for you," Jack told her.

Sue went upstairs and came back ten minutes later holding Jay's hand. Sue stopped in the doorway and let go of Jay who shyly advanced toward Jack.


Jack lifted his head at the crystal clear voice and his breath caught in his throat as he caught sight of her.

"You look like an angel," he told her while signing 'beautiful' to her.

Jay had a huge smile on her face.

'Blue dress like blue bear,' she signed for him.

He nodded approvingly. She was gorgeous in the baby blue satin dress. He picked her up, hugged her and walked to Sue who was wiping her eyes.

"I wanted to wait tonight to tell you, Sue. But now is the perfect moment."

She was looking at him with curiosity. "About?"

"I talked to our lawyer this afternoon. Jay is ours."

More tears fell on her cheeks as Jack's works sank in, and a radiant smile crossed her face.

He pulled her to him and kissed her tenderly. "The paperwork should be finalized within a week or two."

She nodded, resting her head on his shoulder. Later on, he would explain in details.


Jack took Sue and his little blue girl upstairs. He helped as Sue carefully freed Jay of all the ruffles. Amazingly, Jay didn't twitch at all.

How come went HE tried to put the nightie on, she couldn't stay sill anymore?

"You will get the hang of it... eventually... maybe..." Sue chuckled.

From the doorway, Sue's mom laughed as well.

As soon as he released her, Jay ran across the room and picked up blue bear and something grey.

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