Chapter Thirteen

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A phone call from Lucy, while Jack were at the warehouse with Sue and Jay to pick up boxes to start packing this afternoon, made them head back in a different direction.

Lucy was waiting for them, somewhat anxiously, with a woman they didn't recognise.

"This is Alicia. She is Randy Pitts' new rotor," introduced Lucy. "Agent Jack Hudson, Sue Thomas and the cute little angel is Jay... and Levi, of course." She patted the dog.

After shaking hands, Jack took Jay and Levi in the park to give the women a chance to talk.

Alicia had landed that job a few days after their departure to El Paso. Lucy met her during a briefing last week and they instantly got along. Alicia was staying on an acquaintance's couch at the moment and was looking for a place to live. Since Lucy was losing her roommate, she offered Alicia to share the apartment.

"That's great, Lucy," said Sue, excitedly. "I was worried about how you could afford that place all by yourself." But the expression on Lucy's face told Sue there was more to it. "What is it?"

Lucy and Alicia exchanged a glance. Alicia was shy, but usually Lucy was more up front than that. They were wondering if Sue would be willing to sell Alicia and Lucy her furniture instead of moving them out.

"I would give you a good price, but I cannot afford new one," said Alicia, honestly. "And I could move in faster."

Sue thought it over in her head. They had planned on using her bedroom set as theirs and sent Jack's in the guest room. They could use Jack's and forget about the guest room for a while. The rest, they didn't really need. It would mean packing only her clothes and personal effects. That would save time and effort to everyone.

Sue accepted. They agreed on a price. Jack came back as Alicia was writing her a cheque. Sue filled him in.

"We can be back in an hour and packed Sue's belonging," suggested Jack. "If you don't mind having Sue's boxes piled in the living room till Wednesday, Alicia could move in today or tomorrow."

"You would do that?" exclaimed Alicia, enchanted.

Jack exchanged a glance with Sue who nodded.

"Thank you."

"Okay, Alicia. Go and pack your things," ordered Lucy as she switched into organising mode. "I will find boxes for you, guys."

"Not necessary, Lucy. I have boxes and tape in the car. I will carry them up. While Sue and I are gone, tape the boxes together and we will pack them on our return."

"And where exactly are we going?" inquired Sue, fifteen minutes later as Jack was heading toward a mystery destination.

"Shopping for new bedroom furniture for us, sweetheart."

They went to the same store where they'd bought Jay's.

Jack smiled as he watched Sue and Jay going through the pile of comforters. Jay definitely had a preference for blue. Jay slept with all her stuffed animals, but blue bear was the only one who never left her side.

He wondered rhetorically if his little girl liked blue bear more because it was blue, or if she liked blue because of blue bear, the first bear they gave her.

The bedroom set they chose was light birch and from the look of things, Sue and Jay were down to two comforters.

"Jack, what is your preference... and don't say toss a coin," she warned him. "Blue and purple, or blue and green?" She held both.

"Blue and purple." It was bright and colourful, and he liked the design on it. "But the other one is very nice, too, you know."

She rolled her eyes, before tossing him the comforter. She also bought a few matching sheet sets. The rest would be delivered on Wednesday with Jay's set. They put the beddings in the car and drove to Lucy's. They were ready to start packing.

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