Chapter Four

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Jack slowly opened his eyes as he felt something repetitively hit his chest. A blurry blue thing jumped up and down in front of his sight. It took him a few second to focus and realise it was Jay's blue bear.

Jay was sitting beside him and had decided Jack was her bear's trampoline. He scooped the little munchkin and tickled her. Her clear laughter enlivened the room. He stopped suddenly and stared at her when he heard her say 'dada'.

As soon as she was free, she took her bear and ran back and forth in the room, a huge grin on her beautiful face, daring him to catch her. Only a three year old could have that much energy that early in the morning, mused Jack, rubbing his chin. He needed to shave, which meant getting up. The bathroom door was open and it looked empty. Where was Sue? Levi wasn't there either. How did he manage to sleep through them leaving?

He got up and caught the little runner. She playfully struggled. He sat her in front of him, signing 'Stop'. To his surprise, she calmed down.

'Where is Sue?' She looked at him with big brown eyes full of confusion. He ran his fingers in his hair. What did he sign wrong? 'Where is the doggy?' he tried instead.

'With mommy' she signed back.

It was his turn to look at her with uncertainty.

"Mama," she said out loud, smiling. Last night, Jay had called Sue 'mama'.

'Where is mommy?' signed Jack, trying a different approach.

'With doggy,' signed back Jay, seriously.

Jack rolled his eyes, sending her giggling. What was it with women and riddles? Couldn't he get a simple answer from them just once?

He turned Jay's chin toward him. 'Where are mommy and doggy?' he signed hopeful.

Jay just shrugged before escaping him again.

He kept the bathroom door open while he shaved so he could check on Jay. She was now quietly watching cartoons. He was dressed and Sue still wasn't back. He was beginning to worry. He pulled out clothes for Jay. He would dress her, then they would go looking for Sue. Taking the nightie off wasn't too difficult. Putting a t-shirt on a wiggling squirmy child who decided she didn't want to, was harder than surviving basic training in Quantico.

Finally he had it on, only to realize it was backward. He tried switching it, but before long he gave up. He figured nobody would notice. As he put her second sock on, Jay pulled the first one out. And her devilish little grin wouldn't leave her cute face. Maybe Sue wouldn't notice she was bare foot in her shoes. He gave up the socks and tried to put her pants on. Pants were even worse than t-shirt. Her legs didn't bend as well as her arms, and she kicked frantically.

Sue had quietly come in while Jack was fighting with the socks. At the pants she couldn't hold herself anymore and burst out laughing. She startled Jack who lost grip of Jay. Jay came running in her arms, laughing. Sue picked her up.

"I give up," said Jack, lifting his hands up. "From now on, I take Levi in the morning, you get Jay. Just kick me out of bed when he needs his walk."

Sue was now laughing even harder. Jack looked like he had his morning workout already. She approached him, stroking his clean shaved chin.

"Is that better?" she asked after kissing him. Not to be left out, Jay added a wet kiss on his jaw after Sue. In Sue's arms, the little monster looked like a little angel.

Sue dropped her on the bed, pulled her arms out and turned the t-shirt around before pulling the arms back in again.

So much for Sue not noticing, he thought.

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