Chapter One

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Bullpen, Tuesday morning

"We are driving where???" exclaimed Sue, certain she'd misread Jack's lips.

Jack had a huge smile on his face. Their co-workers were busying themselves without missing a word of the exchange.

"El Paso, Texas," repeated Jack, signing it at the same time.

Sue's eyes widened. She did hear right the first time. "Do you know how far that is, Jack?"

"About two thousands miles," he guessed.

"One thousand nine hundred and thirty miles," corrected Tara. "But that was close enough." Then she lowered herself behind her computer before Jack shot her a reproving glance.

"And if we want to make it before Friday, we need to leave as soon as possible. Like now."

Sue stared at him. He couldn't be serious... could he? She just couldn't help herself but repeat. "Now?"

When she'd arrived at the office less than an hour ago, Jack had been in a meeting with D.

"I could go with someone else," mouthed Jack just for her as he leaned closer. "But I prefer your company." To his satisfaction, he saw a shade a pink creeping up to her face where there had been none a second ago. He'd almost lost her to New York; maybe it was time to do something about the feelings he believed they shared.

She pushed her chair and reached for her coat, but Jack beat her to it. He offered it to her, his hands slightly brushing her shoulders as she slipped her arms in it and he pulled it up. The light touch made her toes curled.

"We will be back in a week or so," said Jack as they departed.

"Don't tell me I was the only one who noticed the chemistry," commented Myles. "Any warmer than that and I am taking my shirt off."

The others just grinned.


It was a gorgeous spring day and the idea of a road trip with Jack appealed to Sue more than she was willing to admit. Of all the reasons that made her stay, he was her biggest one. She quickly packed for all eventualities since Jack would soon be back.

The air controllers' orchestrated strike throughout the country took all of them by surprise. It had begun that morning and it looked like both sides were very far apart from an agreement. The team had a witness that was supposed to fly the next day from El Paso to DC to testify in an extortion case they solved months ago. This morning, the judge had agreed to a video testimony. But the reluctant witness refused to be interrogated by anyone except Special Agent Hudson. He didn't trust anyone else.

Jack and Sue alternated driving, stopping only to eat or give Levi a quick walk. They had decided to cover as much distance today as possible so they had a cushion in case something happened the next two days. The sun was setting in front of them as they headed west.

"It's beautiful," Sue whispered.

Purple and pink fought for the right to paint the sky, allowing only the clouds to break their canvas.

Jack turned his head toward her. 'You are beautiful,' he corrected silently.

She was leaning in her seat, her eyes shining, a serene smile on her lips, her golden hair cascading over her shoulders. He wondered what it would feel like to run his fingers in it while he tasted...

This wasn't the place or time, so he returned his attention on the road. He wasn't sure where they were exactly, but at the next town they should be thinking of stopping for the night.

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