Chapter Seven

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Jay crawled in their bed around six o'clock and nestled in Sue's arms before going right back to sleep, but Sue and Jack stayed awake.

They bounced back a few ideas before agreeing on their destination. They would go visit their families and announced the news in person, beginning with Jack's parents in Wisconsin. They debated on the road they would take. Sue had a very good friend who lived in Arkansas with her two kids, but it meant a half-day detour at best, plus the time they would spend at her place.

"Jamieson would never expect us to go through Arkansas," commented Sue. "And it would be very nice to see Flip again. Last time I saw her was shortly after her daughter was born; now her little girl is older than Jay. Pretty please..." Her hand reached and stroked his chest.

"Flip? Is that her real name?"

Sue chuckled. "No, but she was a very good swimmer so we called her flip... for flipper."

Jack rolled his eyes.

"Does that mean yes?"

"You know I cannot resist you anything, sweetheart. Thirteen hours away? Hum... If we could cover eight or nine today, we could be there around lunch tomorrow, spend the afternoon with them before resuming our trip."

"And still be at your parents on Friday. Should I call her?"

"No, with Jamieson looking for Jay, I don't want anybody to know ahead of time where we will be. We will take a chance and hope she is there."

Sue was delighted. "Thank you, Jack."

"I expect you to thank me properly tonight when little missy is in her bed," he hinted, leaning over Jay for a quick kiss to his future wife. "Have I ever told you I like all your shades of pink and red?"


He was still laughing as he packed the computer and returned the blackberry in Sue's purse.

"What are we going to do with your daddy?" she murmured to Jay's ear before waking her up.

Jack gazed lovingly at them.


They stopped later than Jack anticipated.

He just couldn't find any decent hotel. Jay was fast asleep. She never woke up when Sue put her in bed while Jack walked Levi. By the time Jack got back, Sue was already in dreamland. She still had his shirt and she was just as irresistible asleep as she was awake. He snuggled against her warm body. She whispered his name as he gave her a feathery kiss. He closed his eyes and joined her in her dreams.

Wet kisses and a crystal clear voice woke him up.

"Dada," she repeated.

He rolled on his back grabbing the little bundle of energy and pulling her to him, tickling her in the process. Her laughter resonated in the room. Sue opened her eyes and smiled at the sight.

"Mama." She extended her little arms, trying to escape Jack.

Sue took Jay and shielded her with her body only to become the recipient of Jack's tickling.

"Jack!" She squirmed.

Jay untangled herself and went to hug Levi, laughing out loud.

"Jack! Please!!!!!" His fingers eased their torture only to begin a sweeter one as they ventured between the buttons. "Jack!!!" She could feel his laughter through his chest.

He rolled her on her back and kissed her thoroughly before releasing her and getting dressed, leaving her speechless.

They stopped for lunch before going to Flip's house. She was thrilled to see Sue and her family. Jay and Flip's daughter, Emilie, became friends right away. Flip insisted on keeping them for supper. Her husband, Mark, would want to meet them. He was a fire fighter. Jack liked the friendly family man right away.

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