Chapter Fourteen

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Jack woke up early the next morning. There was nothing he wanted more than staying in her warm embrace, but they were moving tomorrow. Unenthusiastically, he got up, put a pair of sweat pants on and made his way to the living room where empty boxes were waiting for him. How much junk had he accumulated over the years, he mused. Not all of it would make it inside the house, he swore, using one of the boxes as a garbage can.

He didn't know how long it was before Sue and Jay joined him. Together they progressed faster. Anne phoned them mid-afternoon. She was waiting for them at her office.

"Time for a break," said Jack. They went to see Anne before stopping by the bullpen.

'Is mean lady here,' signed Jay as they entered the building.

'No, she is gone,' signed Sue.

Jay's eyes brightened up.

'Go play?' she signed.

Sue turned toward Jack. They weren't here for long, so she wasn't sure it was worth it.

"Why not? We will pick her up on our way out," he said. "I don't want her to think the day care is a bad place, we may still have to send her there occasionally."

"Okay, but for a short while only,' Sue signed back to Jay.

They took her in, and Martin, the little boy, came running to her. He took her by the hand and led her to new toys he found, sweet babbling her all the way.

"That's it, Jay is not coming back here," Jack said with a smile once they were alone in the elevator.

Sue looked at him, confused.

"She is too young to have a boyfriend."

Sue was still laughing when they entered the bullpen.

"You are in a good mood, but aren't you missing someone?" asked Lucy, disappointed.

"Yes, daddy has competition for his little girl's affection," Sue said.

They were all pleased that the incident was solved.

"So what brings you here?" asked Tara. "Are you done packing already?"

"We wish," said Jack, rolling his eyes.

"We came to pick up this," said Sue, proudly holding the keys of their new house. "We will go do some cleaning in the house, then go back to packing. Jack, it shouldn't take me more than five minutes." And she left for upstairs.

"What's going on, mate?"

"Sue is leaving the bureau." Jack had five sets of eyes staring at him in disbelief. "One of us was ordered to transfer out. Sue has decided to stay home with Jay instead. D, I am not battling upstairs." He cut D before the man even suggested it. "The decision has been made. I know it comes as a shock, but it's for the best."

"Sue is sure radiant," said D. "I don't think I've ever seen her so happy. You two have our support."

Sometime later, Jack and Sue picked up their little girl.

Jay wanted to stay longer and she was still pleading with her hands when they reached the car.

"I could ask Bobby to bring her back after work," he told Sue. "And we could accomplish a lot if we don't have to keep an eye on Jay for a few hours."

"I doubt it would be in the box making department, Jack." Her eyes twinkled with mischief. "Your call, but we may not be ready to move tomorrow."

He held her gaze a few seconds before taking Jay and strapping her in her car seat. He heard her chuckle. Why did he think he was doomed?

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