Chapter 7

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Khloe's POV:

I gawked as Nico and I approached the tall birch doors that apparently lead into Nico's room.

Xander and Doe had already gone to Xander's room which was apparently on the complete opposite side of this floor, and Marcus went away with someone to get his records sorted out.

I quickly noticed the same thumbprint mechanism on the door as we approached it

"Who else had access to your room?" I asked as he placed his thumb on it.

"Just me, Klo. And you pretty soon," he answered reassuringly.


I blushed at the new nickname while Nico opened the door

"Okay good," I responded as I stepped in.

My jaw immediately dropped to the floor.

Every single aspect of this room doubled the last.

The length, the width, even the height

Not to mention how surprisingly clean it was.

A very large and organized L-shaped desk sat in the left corner beside me, a stocked bookshelf that covered pretty much the entire left wall coming after it.

A portion of the bookshelf was cut out for a door that I'm assuming was where the closet is.

His ridiculously huge bed covered entirely with pillows sat in the middle of the back wall, two towering glass doors with pitch black curtains on either side of it, which apparently lead to a balcony.

Another lone door was the only thing on the right wall, but it looked like something else used to be there before Nico left.

To my right against the front wall sat a dark brick fireplace. In front of it sat two very large...

"beanbags?" I finished my thought out loud.

Nico turned his head from the middle of the room where h had picked up our bags that a slave had dropped off earlier.

He laughed a bit, "Yeah. I kind of took advantage of the fact that I could have whatever I want."

"So you chose beanbags?" I questioned, mirroring his laugh.

"Well, yea. Whos doesn't want a beanbag?"

I shrugged not really having an answer to that.

"I guess you have a point," I said as I began walking over to them.

They both looked like they could easily fit three people.

I plopped myself face-down onto one of them, instantly falling in love with the soft fabric.

The way that I sank into it kind of made me sad that laying on my back wasnt really an option so I could more fully relax.

"Y'know that side of the room is pretty bare," Nico said.

I pushed myself up onto my elbows, seeing that he was talking about the right side.

I also saw how he was standing by his bed, practically shoving most of the pillows off of it

"We can make that side into your little art studio if you want." He offered.

My eyes went round as Nico continued ridding the surface of his bed with pillows, mumbling something about how no living creature needs this many pillows.

"You really don't have to do that," I said.

"Oh come on," Nico began, "I don't have a window sill in this room for you to draw on. I gotta make up for that somehow."

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