Chapter 43

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A/N: I hope these last couple (Also more than I planned for lmao sorrynotsorry) Cute chapters have sated you because you're gonna need that comfort here in a couple chapters :) oop-

Khloe's POV:

I stretched my shoulders back as soon as my feet hit solid ground again, hearing a couple pops from holding onto Nico as he climbed us down to his room.

He landed beside me soon after, his hand grazing my upper back as we walked into the warmth of our room.

My heart was still thumping from our previous kiss.

The kiss that I was totally fine with building into something more, but unfortunately Nico still had to make an appearance at his father's party.

In actuality, that kind of worked out with what I planned for the rest of the night.

I wanted this to be perfect in every way, so I needed to get ready.

I watched as Nico switched out his jacket for a more formal on, followed by him slipping the ring off of his finger and clipping it onto the chain around his neck.

Rubbing mine with my thumb, that feeling in my heart intensified ever so slightly.

In fact, it also caused a warm feeling to spread across my body, making my breath hitch.

I couldn't believe I actually wanted to go through with this tonight.

I bit the inside of my lip as an odd sense of nervousness flowed through me.

Maybe it wasn't nervousness... more like an embarrassment for actually wanting something like this.

I only hoped that he too wanted to go through with it.

Obviously, he's already told me that he has, but...

I shook my head.

No... This will be fine.

"Something on your mind there sweetheart?"

I looked up as he approached me.

"Oh! uh- I was just wondering how long you were going to be gone."

"It shouldn't be any longer than thirty minutes."

Thirty minutes... was that going to be long enough?

Maybe... but I wasn't sure If I wanted to push it.

"Any chance you could make that forty-five?" I asked timidly.

Nico rose a brow.

"I guess. May I ask why?"

I sent him a flirty smile.

"Its a surprise." Is all I said.

I swear I saw something flash in Nico's eyes, but he leaned in and placed a quick kiss on my lips.

"Forty-five minutes it is then."

Nico's POV:

My focus was more than blurred at this party.

The countless amount of vampires and a select few humans were the least of my worries.

The only thing I was really subconsciously focusing on was getting through these forty-five minutes.

Forty-five minutes... What on earth could she be getting ready for?

Although I did have some pretty solid guesses, I didn't want to come to any premature conclusions.

My chest was pretty much tightened with constant anticipation.

15 minutes. It had to have been at least 15 minutes by now.

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