Chapter 39

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Nico's POV

I audibly groaned as I stepped out of the elevator, partially out of relief.

The woman I just went of a 'date' with was draining in more ways than one.

She was also very adamant that I walked her to her room within the castle when the date was over, despite the amount of time I explicitly said no.

Then she had the audacity to ask if I wanted to come in, offering herself as a "good time".

Luckily she was mostly already inside so I could shut the door myself and leave before she could re-open it.

God vampire women are all the same.

The only good thing that came out of that was that it was my last date for at least two weeks.

With Khloe's and my fathers birthday coming up in a couple days followed by the trip to the northern pack I have to take, my father so graciously gave me a break from the women.

I rolled my shoulders out as I stepped into the hallway, inhaling deeply through my nose to see where the girl I really cared about was.

Her scent was very faint, meaning she had to be moderately far away.

At the gardens I'd guess, and judging by the other scents, Doe and Marcus were accompanying her.


I started towards that direction, catching a different and rapidly approaching scent.

Stopping, I extended my hand, catching him by the back of the shirt before he crashed himself into the wall.

Xander never really got the hang of stopping correctly while using our advanced speed.

He was fine back in Bronwyn's city, but here where our powers were more advanced, not so much.

The blonde's eyes went wide, not expecting the sudden halt and fully expecting that he was going to crash into something.

When he realized that wasn't what was going on, his expression calmed and he smiled.

I released my hold on his shirt before he spoke.

"Hey," He said enthusiastically, "How was the date?"

I blinked at him before I continued walking, motioning him to come with.

"Boring. So now that we got the formality out of the way, what do you want?"

Xander placed a hand on his chest in exaggerated shock.

"Wha-? What makes you think I want something?"

I glanced at him from the side, smirking a bit.

"It's been a while since you've come speeding towards me the second I step foot on this floor, but every single time you used to, you've always wanted something from me."

Xanders brows furrowed as he apparently thought back on every time before.

"Not all the time," He defended, "When we were a lot younger I used to speed to you just because I missed you."

"Aweee you missed me?" I teased, honestly kind of flattered.

"Shut it!" he barked back in partial embarrassment," Mom and dad were always busy and you were like the only person I hung out with what did you expect?!"

I snickered quietly.

"I know, I know," I replied, "So are you trying to say you don't need something from me this time?"

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