Chapter 13

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Khloe's POV:

I stared absently out at extensive forest below from Nico's balcony, the cool breeze tossing my hair as it passed.

I pulled the blanket I had draped over my shoulders tighter against my body.

It had been a while since Marcus brought me back and Nico still hadn't returned.

And of course, my mind immediately began coming up with the worst case scenario for whatever Nico could be experiencing ever since I returned to this room.

Given the fact that the Lord would force his own advanced powers against his own son to silence him like that... whos to say what else he wouldn't hesitate to do to him.

No matter how much Nico insisted that he was used to this sort of thing, I was worried about him.

I tried not to focus on the whole 'going on dates' thing that his father proposed, since Nico denied it so quickly, thankfully, but even that topic was running frantically through my mind with all of the others.

I tried to take my mind off of things by drawing or reading, but my brain refused to process a single word I tried to read and all of my inspiration to draw was completely gone.

So as a last ditch effort, I came onto the balcony hoping that the view and cold air would be enough help calm my nerves.

Which it did. At least a little.

I gazed up to the nearly full moon, noting that you could see the stars a lot better here than I ever could in Bronwyn's city.

My eyes slowly gazed down to the horizon, the forest and meadow below being so vast that they stretched all the way to it.

Nico told me that he had switched rooms with Xander when they were fairly young since he didn't like the view of the city nearly as much as he enjoyed this one.

I honestly couldn't blame him.

I folded my arms on the marble railing of the balcony, resting my chin upon them and letting my eyes flutter shut.

The quiet sound of the breeze and rustling leaves filled my senses.

I was tired but I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to sleep until Nico came back.

It was late, far too late for Nico and the Lord to still be conversing... right?

I swallowed hard, every logical thought I had telling me that he should definitely be back by now.

He should have been back a while ago.

I had to keep reminding myself that my knowledge about whatever topic their conversation was limited. Aswell was my knowledge on their relationship as father and son and Lord and Heir.

I lifted my head up, slowly opening my eyes.

Maybe... Maybe their conversation was over, but Nico went to go do something. Maybe he went to go hunting...

As much as I hated that idea, I almost hoped that that was the case.

I leaned over the railing and squinted down at the forest below, as if I would even be able to spot him from all the way up here.

A small sigh left me as I reluctantly turned the other way.

Nothing I did was going to make him come back any faster, but if I was going to stay awake, it would be easier to do so out here where its colder.

I quietly made my way over to the red-cushioned couch that was honestly big enough to be a bed for three people that was kept out here.

I crawled onto it and over to the corner, resting my lower back against the armrest and stretching my legs out from there.

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