Chapter 35

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Nico's POV:

I tuned out the conversation my parents were having, once I realized it had nothing to do with me.

Instead, I looked down at the rare beef ribs on my plate, wondering where the hell Xander was so I could eat it.

My mom had a thing against eating before everyone who's supposed to show up, does.

And frankly, I was very hungry since Khloe and I didn't really eat breakfast.

Or I guess we kind of just... Forgot.

The effects of Khloe's blood wore off a while ago, unfortunately.

I wanted the feeling of her heartbeat to stay with me much longer than it actually did.

In fact, part of me felt an overwhelming sadness as it slowly faded from my body, and urged me to take more.

I didn't take a lot from her, but I had the feeling that I took more, that that feeling would have lasted a lot longer.

My vampiric instincts still weren't used to the fact that our lover wasn't a vampire and that we had to do things a little differently.

I glanced back up at the empty chair ahead of me, glaring a bit before turning to look at the door.

Xander's never been late since we've moved back here. Usually, I'm the tardy one.

I was about to offer to go look for him, but the doors suddenly flew open, scaring the slaves that stood beside them half to death.

"Sorry!" He blurted out, his heavy breathing showing that he sped here.

"Where've you been?" My mother asked before my father and I could.

And her tone was a lot sweeter than ours would have been.

"I just lost track of time is all," He spoke, promptly taking his seat.

Without another word, I lifted my food and took a bite.

I honestly just wanted to finish this food and get out of here.

But my wishes were short-lived as soon and my father started talking.

"Now that you boys are here," He began, "There's something we need to discuss."

Xander turned his head towards him while I just glanced at him from the corner of my eye, taking another bite.

"The treaty that Alexander revised made it to the pack at the northern border. The leader there read it and sent back a response that he's willing to sign off on it, so," He looked directly at me, "I need you to travel up there 10 days from now and sign it on my behalf."

I just stared back at him, not really being able to tell if he was serious or not.

He knew just how much I despised that pack's existence.

And now he wanted me to go and sign the treaty that resolidified their stay?

"No," I stated plainly, causing every other soul besides my father's to still.

Surprisingly, I could tell he wasn't expecting that response from me.

I thought he would have been used to it by now.

"Nicolas," He warned with a growl.

"You have to be kidding me," I spoke up before he could continue, "I don't understand why you still keep them around when all they do is terrorize and slaughter our citizens. They've found loopholes in the treaties for hundreds of years and I doubt they're gonna stop here."

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