Chapter 19

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Nico's POV:

"Nico," Khloe whined breathlessly from underneath me, the hand she had knotted in my hair tightening as I lightly nipped at her pulse point.

I had been waiting very patiently all day for Khloe to let me kiss her again, so I already decided that once she did, we were going to have some fun.

So as soon as she had changed into her pajamas, hopped herself onto our bed, and finally said yes to me, I took full advantage of that.

She turned her head upwards, exposing more of her neck to me in a silent plea for me to keep going.

Like I had any intention of stopping in the first place.

I traced my hands down her svelte figure, her legs bending at the knees on either side of me while I kissed slow trails across her clavicle.

I then made my way up her neck, landing on that one specific spot below her jaw that always made her squirm.

It was impressive how quickly her insecurities and nervousness seemed to just wash away once I had her in my arms or had my lips on her body and how her bold yet submissive nature seemed to come out.

Although, One wrong move on my part and her nerves would snap back to her and I'd have to coax her back into relaxation

It was a delicate process, one that I'll admit that I wasn't a master of yet, but I was getting there.

It made me wonder what kind of girl she would be if her circumstances would have been different.

From what I understand, her anxiety sprouted when she was forced into captivity and the horrendous acts she had to witness before that.

If any of that never happened then what would she be like now?

If I had to guess, judging from her recent intrepid nature, that had to be a part of her personality that got suppressed over the years.

Had none of it ever happened then her stunning looks mixed with that confident and adventurous nature would be every human teenage boy's wet dream come true.

Teenage boys that would only think with their dicks and only ever give a shit about the physical side of her, given if she ever gave them the time of day.

Which she might have even if she didn't want to.

I had the feeling that whether her past happened to her or not, she would still struggle with saying no to people.

She wanted to please other people more than she cared for her own wants.

And I'm sure many human boys would love nothing more than to take advantage of that.

A small growl rumbled low in my throat, the thought admittedly angering me.

Khloe tensed a bit in confusion, but only for a moment before I leaned up and captured her lips, earning one of her short surprised gasps.

She relaxed again very soon after, the hand that was grasping at my bicep sliding up to join the other one in roughly running through my hair.

A small groan escaped me.

God, why did that feel so good?

The growl melted into a purr as the seconds passed, my hands skimming down her sides to sneak under her the loose tanktop she wore.

She arched into me with a small whimper as I explored the insanely warm and soft skin of her stomach and back, feeling the small curve from her waist to her hips

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