Chapter 27

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Nico's POV:

"An interrogation?" Xander questioned from the doorway of his room, his previous half-asleep look now completely replaced with one of interest.

I probably just woke him up, but I wanted to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.

Even if that meant missing breakfast with my family.

"Yeah. I told Marcus to gather all of the slaves on this floor into the kitchen." I replied.

"OK but... Why?" Xander responded.

I barely noticed Doe's head peek out from the bathroom to listen in.

"Someone drugged Khloe last night and I need to figure out who and why before I decide to take it out on literally every slave here," I bit, my grip tightening on my upper arms in their crossed position.

Both of their eyes widened, Doe's in worry, and Xanders in shock before it shifted to confusion.

"Is she okay?" He asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

She was a little better than she was last night.

She didn't wake up like she usually did whenever I got out of bed, but I did try to be extra careful not to wake her.

Sleep was still one of the best things for her since her fever was still high.

It took a lot of self-convincing to even get me out of that room instead of just staying by her side, but I knew that I needed to get this done.

"She is now, but I have no idea what happened to her before I found her,"

Apparently, I spoke that sentence in such a way to make Xander flinch back.

"Wow. You're really pissed about this." He remarked.

I nearly growled.

"Wouldn't you be?" I asked, gesturing to Doe.

Her eyes shifted between me and him as we both looked at her.

Xander turned back to me, "Yeah ok you're right," he agreed, "What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to do the interrogating while I speak to Marcus on some matters. Ask them their alibis from last night and make sure they're telling the truth, frighten them if you want. If anyone seems innocent then dismiss them and if they don't-"

"Send them over to you," Xander finished for me.

I nodded.

"Put some clothes on and meet me in the kitchen in 10 minutes."

Xander looked down at his lack of a shirt before smirking.

"See you then."


"So you're sure everyone was accounted for by midnight?" I asked the boy sitting across from me.

Marcus nodded, "All of the slaves that were supposed to be on this floor were accounted for, and I can guarantee you that no one left during the night."

He did have the jurisdiction to make that guarantee.

As the head slave, he had the key to lock up their rooms at night and unlock them in the morning.

His words were truthful, which only meant the other person who could have logically done this would be him.

But that wasn't the case either.

Even though I was certain that he didn't do this, I still had to ask for my own surety.

But at the same time, none of this made sense.

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