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i wake up to the sound of the kettle whistling. i groan while stirring out of bed. i see Brian standing in the kitchen in front of the toaster. he waits for the bread to prepare and looks at me. i yawn.
"good morning, dear" he says and kisses my forehead. i smile.
"good morning" i reply and hug him. "what's the plan for today?"
"i'm not sure. we can go for a walk and figure it out. the weather's lovely today. we start recording in a week" Brian explains. i nod. at this point, we've been together for a few months. he's practically moved in. one
of the best parts about living with Brian is that he sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and writes music in the living room in order not to wake me. it usually does. he has a tape recorder and hums tunes lightly into it. the light strum of his guitar plays through the apartment, even when the clock struck 4 am. he didn't mind the lack of sleep. and once he was done, he would quietly slip back in bed with me and fall back asleep although he was usually the first one up. bags started appearing under his eyes but he was sacrificing sleep for his art so i didn't enforce anything. it was his decision.


the wind blows roughly through my coat making me shudder. Brian grips my hand tighter and pulls me through the sea of people. we reach the museum. the large walls seeming to reach endlessly upwards. he looks at me and pulls me up the stairs like an excited 5 year old. i laugh.
"hey slow down!"
"no way!" he replies. we buy our tickets and walk around the museum. i stop in front of an artwork and admire it. the colors standing out as i analyze the work.
"you know a picture says a thousand words" he says. i nod.
"i know." he looks at me and takes out his handheld camera. it's big and bulky but nonetheless takes pictures. i smile into the lens as he snaps a flashless picture. he looks at me and beams. he turns back around and looks at the art. after a few hours of walking around the museum we take a break and eat at a café. we order tea and treats. he snaps another picture of me as i eat.
"hey i wasn't ready!" i say with a mouthful of food in my mouth.
"those are the best kind of pictures" i roll my eyes at him. "oh i forgot to tell you but i have a doctor's appointment later today. nothing serious. just a checkup. you don't have to come with me" he says. i swallow my food.
"no problem" i say. he smiles at me and we pay for the food and walk back to the apartment. he reaches the front door.
"i should go now or i'll be late. i'll see you tonight okay? thanks for today it was really fun" he says and kisses my cheek.
"bye, Bri. i'll see you" i reply. he steps back and waves as he gets in his car. i wave back and go inside. as he's there i prepare him dinner.


it's 7:27 pm when Brian walks in the front door. i wasn't waiting long and he enters quietly.
"hi, Brian! i made dinner!" i call from the kitchen. he walks in and kisses me lightly, his cheeks still rosy from the cold. "how was your appointment?" he tenses as i ask the question but i just shake it off as him being cold.
"ah it was okay.. let's eat i'm so hungry" he says and sits down at the table. we eat in silence. his eyes scan my face nervously.
"are you okay?" i ask, not used to seeing Brian this nervous.
"i- uh yeah i'm fine" he stammers. i know something's not right. he plasters a fake smile as he pokes at his food.
"Brian. something's not right. tell me" i plead with him. "i know when something's not right. there's no use in hiding it." his smile fades as puts his fork down. i stare at him, anticipation filling my gut. "no matter what it is, i'll still be here for you" i reassure him. he gulps nervously and fidgets in his chair. it must be serious.
"you promise you won't leave me" he pleads. well it does depend on what the problem is.
"just tell me what's wrong, Bri" i say and grip his hands. he exhales deeply.
"i-i have... h-h-hepatitis" he stutters. i almost have to ask him to repeat it. he has what?
"you have what?" i ask. he nods, tears spilling out his eyes. i hug him tightly.
"shh, it's okay, Brian you'll be okay" i say. "i'm not going anywhere." he holds me tight.
"t-the doctor says.. i might not be able to tour.. or play the guitar.. i-i'd have to stay in the hospital for a while" he chokes out. i just hold him. he cries into me and it breaks my heart. his sobs fill the room.
"you'll be okay, Bri. with some bedrest and treatment you'll be back on your feet in no time" i tell him. he shakes his head.
"w-what if it gets worse.." he stammers. i put his face in my hands, wet lines streak down his cheeks. he sniffles and wipes his tears with his sleeve.
"i'm such a baby" he says.
"no you're not. if i was you, i'd be crying even harder" i reply. he smiles softly. "we'll get through this together. i promise." he hugs me.
"what would i do without you?"

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