17 / promises

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life gets better slowly. i finish school and Brian and i move into our own place. he helps pay rent with his tour money. Freddie, John, and Roger start their lives. Freddie gets a girlfriend named Mary, she's very sweet and John got married and is now expecting his first child. he's so excited i'm so happy for him. Roger continues hanging with women and abusing alcohol but he's still the same old good guy i knew. Brian dropped out but is planning on going back to school some day. his heart is still set on astrophysics and he does research sometimes when he's not busy touring or writing music. today is our 1 year anniversary so i'm assuming we're going to do something special.
"dear, i have an idea" Brian says. my eyes travel to his face.
"what is it?" i say, intently listening.
"do you want to go back to the observatory today? you know.. it is our 1 year anniversary.." Brian says. i giggle.
"of course i know, silly. how could i forget? of course i'd love to go" i say.
"i love you" he says with a cheeky grin. i hit his arm. we chill the rest of the day, just watching tv and doing mundane things. the boys call us up to say their congratulations.
"y/n, dear, can i talk to Brian privately for a moment" Freddie asks.
"of course, Fred" i reply. Brian nods at me and steps a few feet away holding the phone close to his ear. after a few minutes of Brian chatting on the phone with Freddie about something i have no clue about, Brian comes back and hangs up the phone after they say their goodbyes. the setting sun outside reminds me that it's almost time to go. the chilly weather is coming back, making me grateful that the unbearable heat of the summer is over. we head outside and drive to the observatory, Brian blasting pop music on the radio. the sky isn't that clear tonight but we don't care. Brian tugs me towards the observatory, his smile growing. he hums a tune that was playing on the radio. he pulls me to him abruptly and i crash into his chest. i laugh.
"what are you doing?" my heart pounds.
"ah just dancing with my favorite girl in the world" he says, his hazel eyes sparkling in the semi dim light.
"stop it" i say blushing.
"it's true. i promise" he says.
"don't make promises you can't keep" i say.
"oh you're definitely my favorite" he says with a giggle. he continues to hum and sways me back and forth. he spins me and dips me down and concludes it with a quick peck to my lips. i giggle.
"you're crazy" i say.
"yeah but you can't deny you love me."
"i'll love you forever" i say. his smile grows and he hugs me.
"wait a second i have a surprise for you. close your eyes" he says and i do as i'm told. i hear him shuffle around.
"open" he says. i open my eyes and my eyes land on Brian on one knee in front of me. my heart pounds and i start shaking.
"w-what is this, Bri" i say, my smile growing.
"i know i wanted to be with you ever since i first saw you at that library and i know you do too. i want to love you forever and i hope you can let me. i know i'm willing to make that promise and i'm terrible at this stuff but.. uh.. will you marry me, y/n?" he says, his eyes glistening. i let out a shaky breath.
"o-oh my god.. YES!" i screech. my cheeks hurt from smiling and happy tears run from my eyes. he stands up and puts the ring on my finger. it fits perfectly. he plants a long passionate kiss on my lips. i kiss back and he pulls away to hug me. he wipes his face.
"you're everything to me" he says. i sniffle.
"i-i know" i choke out. he giggles nervously.
"wow.. we're engaged then.."
"oh god, Freddie's never gonna shut up" i say.
"he knows already. i told him i was going to propose a few weeks ago. i just felt like this was the perfect place to" he says. i smile. of course Freddie was in on it. we lie down on the floor like we did on the first date. i hold my hand up to the sky, admiring my ring. he grips my hand. and we stare at the stars that helped bring us together.


a/n: omg omg thank you for 1k reads!!!! 💞

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