16 / nightmare

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a few months pass with Brian in the hospital. i visit him a few times a week and soon his notebook fills with songs, entries, and notes he takes. he slowly starts to get better but he is still very weak, his arms are sore and his legs are still shaky. he can barely stand for more than a few minutes. i sit in bed with a sleeping Brian. he sleeps for most of the day now which is good because it gives his body a chance to recover, the doctor says it's good too. he smiles lightly in his sleep, i wonder what he's dreaming of. his eyelashes flutter slightly as his eyes move lightly with his sleep. i lightly play with his curly hair, careful not to wake him. he stirs and in his half asleep state, grabs my shirt and pulls me to him. i breathe out a quiet laugh and wrap my arms around him. after about 20 minutes of being trapped in his arms he jolts awake, his eyelids shooting open. i put a hand on his cheek.
"are you okay?" i ask. he sighs.
"yeah, i was just startled. i was in one of those falling dreams" he replies. i kiss his forehead.
"you're okay" i say. he nods and pulls me back in a hug. Freddie, John, and Roger are finally out of isolation. Freddie was so happy to get back to playing music and go back to dressing in his outrageous outfits. John comes to visit me a lot. we just sit in my apartment drinking tea, sometimes not even talking. he understands my pain and that's enough. Roger always visits Brian and sometimes sends him flowers as a joke. Brian hates the flowers but he understands it's a kind gesture. Roger and i would sit at Brian's bedside and just watch him sleep sometimes. Roger is so worried for Brian and cares for him as much as i do.
"if you don't get married, i'll take him" Roger says. i hit his arm.
"shut up, will you?" i whisper yell. he doesn't rub his arm now getting used to the constant hits it takes. Roger constantly calls the hospital if he can't visit and talks to Brian about recording and how his music is going. one day the doctor walks in and takes me out he room.
"i have good and bad news. the good news is Brian is getting better so he might be able to start leaving the hospital and slowly go back to his normal life. the bad news is he can't tour for a while and his weak state might not guarantee best guitar performance" he says. i nod smiling at Brian who's sitting in his room jotting some notes in his notebook. he'd be so happy to hear it.
"he can go home?" i ask. he shakes his head.
"i'm afraid not. he'd be too exposed to illnesses and he might hurt himself so it's best for him to stay here until he makes a full or almost full recovery. this is just a step forward" the doctor explains. i nod but frown at the news he can't go back home with me. i remember how happy he was go home after the hospital last year. how much he's changed since then. the doctor reassures me and goes in Brian's room to explain his situation. a few days later, i get a call on the phone.
"hello. is Brian there? this is Tim Staffell. i heard the news from Roger about Brian. i'm just calling to say well wishes. Roger gave me this number" the man says into the phone.
"no, i'm sorry Brian isn't here. he's still in the hospital but i can tell him your message and give you the hospital number " i say.
"sure that would be wonderful!"
"say, you were in Smile right? Brian told me about you" i say.
"yeah i was. stupid of me to leave but hey if i didn't leave, Queen wouldn't be a thing" he says. i nod.
"true. well thanks for calling.."
"Tim. i'll get Brian to call soon" i say.
"bye, now. have a lovely day" he says.
"you too." i hang up the phone.


i wheel Brian to the recording studio. he insists he can walk but i know it's hard for him. he's embarrassed.
"Brian's here! thank god! this album is so bad without you" Freddie says and gives Brian a quick hug. he smiles and i go to the control room. i stare through the glass as the recording session begins. they argue over who sings what and where things go.
"Brian did you write anything new we can look at?" Freddie asks. Brian hands over his notebook and the flip through.
"Brian how dare you be this talented and not share it with any of us!" Roger screeches nearly throwing the notebook across the room. i giggle.
"now this is bloody brilliant!" Freddie yells and stares at the page. he runs to the mic and puts his headphones on. they spend the whole day working on Now I'm Here which is Brian's song. i have to say it's quite amazing how they managed to piece it together. John places a hand on my shoulder.
"you have one brilliant boyfriend" he says. i blush.
"i know" i say proudly. Brian smiles at me. the process repeats for a few more weeks and soon the album is almost finished. they're calling it Sheer Heart Attack, Freddie won't explain why he just liked the way it sounds. the album is very rock centered so i guess it sounds like it could give an old lady a "sheer heart attack." they reach a challenge when they reach a song which Brian really wants to do a guitar solo on. a long solo. Brighton Rock. the problem is, is that he's too weak to do so. it's the beginning of the album, the most important. it's the first thing people will hear when they turn on the record. he tries again and again but he's so tired and the fingering is too difficult for his fingers to figure out. he tries to make it easier but it still turns out to be difficult. they postpone recording for a few weeks but Brian shows no signs of getting better. his condition actually worsens.
"i had a feeling this would have been a bad idea" Roger says.
"don't be ridiculous, Rog. recording that album made him the happiest i've seen him in months" i say. August nears and Brian's state weakens. i wake up early one morning from a phone call.
"y/n, it's Brian. he's crashing and we have to do  urgent surgery on him or he might not make it. do you consent?" the doctor says rapidly. my heart hammers in my chest.
"he's what? and y-yes i consent" i say a lump forming in my throat.
"good. he's bleeding internally and it's very important he gets this surgery. he's in good hands" the doctor says and he hangs up. i sit there in shock. i whimper, tears already falling. i fumble for the phone and dial Roger's number.
"h-hello?" Roger's groggy voice answers.
"i-it's Brian" i choke out.
"oh god, please don't tell me he's dead" he replies.
"god no, Rog. he was crashing and he's going into emergency surgery. the doctor says he was bleeding internally. it must be a dream" i say.
"i'm afraid not, dear. he should be fine. do you want me to come visit you? i don't want to be alone either" he replies.
"yes" i breathe out. in less than an hour i hear a knock at the door. i open it and fall into Roger's arms. he holds me tight.
"he'll be okay" he reassures rubbing my back. "i brought alcohol" he pulls away, smiling lightly and holding a bag of liquor. i wipe my tears and smile softly.
"i'd rather not get drunk. he shouldn't wake up to me like that" i say. Roger shrugs.
"more for me then!" we sit on the couch and talk about Brian. he drinks a full bottle of liquor by himself but his tolerance must be so high because it doesn't affect him much. a few hours pass.
"we should go to the hospital, Rog" i say. he nods.
"i'll drive"
"no way! we'll crash"
"darling, i'm practically sober!" he says.
"no you're not!" i insist and sit in the driver's seat. he shrugs and gets in the car. we make it to the hospital just as Brian gets out of surgery. the doctor rushes through the heavy swinging doors of the OR, i'm clinging to Roger's arm for dear life.
"he had a stomach ulcer, we're lucky we caught it in time or he would have died. he's in the ICU now, recovering. you can see him now" he says. i sigh in relief. arm in arm Roger leads me to the ICU ward. i stop outside the door not ready to see Brian. Roger puts on a brave face and pulls me in. my eyes meet Brian's unconscious body. his face, pale and the lack of color in his skin is terrifying. compared to the yellowish tint it had, it's now a light almost blue color. Roger's hand grips onto me for support, his knees weaken. it hurts him as much as it does me to see Brian this way. tears well in his eyes but he holds them back. Brian's chest rises and falls slowly, reassuring me that he's alive. the heart monitor beeps quietly causing an eerie vibe to set over the room. i run my hand over his cheek and kiss his forehead softly. his eyes flutter open and his soft hazel eyes peer up at me in a tired and weak gaze.
"hi" i say at a completely loss of words.
"h-hey. why am i here?" he asks quietly. he's high on morphine so he doesn't feel pain yet.
"you were bleeding internally they had to do surgery. you'll be okay" i say. he huffs out a sigh and weakly lifts his hand up to my face.
"i'm sorry if i scared you. i didn't want to hurt you" he says. i smile at him.
"you did scare me but i'm glad you're okay now" i say. Brian's eyes travel to Roger who is sitting at the foot of the bed, watching the conversation.
"ah Rog, you softie, c'mere" Brian says and opens his arms for Roger. he stands up and hugs Brian tightly yet carefully. they stay like that and i admire the sight.
"you bloody terrified me, mate" Roger says into Brian's shoulder. "i drank a whole bottle of liquor" Roger says.
"he did" i say. Brian giggles softly. Roger explains how scared i was and how he came over and drank too much. soon Freddie and John found out and came to visit. Brian's parents called to check up on him and they thanked me for helping him. after months of recovery and gaining his strength back, Brian and Freddie, Roger, and John finally finished Sheer Heart Attack and Freddie's song 'Killer Queen' raced up the charts. although Brian's songs didn't do as good, the song Brian wrote for me on our first date at the observatory, 'She Makes Me' is on the album and it will always be one of my favorites. finally this nightmare is over.

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