15 / fishbowl

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"they finally let me use the bloody telephone today, darling! isn't that wonderful? the bloody goddam telephone!" Freddie screeches into the phone. i sigh.
"i can't believe it" i say sarcastically.
"now dear, don't be so prissy. how are you holding up?"
"not too good. it's so quiet without him. i'm really glad you called, it means a lot" i say.
"well i'm glad i could call too" he says. i laugh.
"do you know how Brian is doing?" i ask. "they won't let me see him yet."
"i have no idea. the doctor won't tell me. i sure hope he's alright" Freddie responds.
"how are the other boys doing?" i ask.
"Roger's being a real pain in the ass, as he usually is. John's as quiet as always, he seems extra bored though and i think i'm going mad" Freddie says. i giggle. i imagine Roger bossing the nurses around and flirting with one.
"i have to go. they want me to run on a bloody treadmill now. bye, darling. i'll call soon" he says and the line goes dead. i pick up the Red Special that's leaning against the wall, the case collecting dust. i pick it up and take the notebook and tape recorder lying on the coffee table. while i drive to the hospital i think about our first kiss. how wonderful it felt and how much we've changed since then. i walk into the quarantine ward and pass by all the rooms, i see the name card in front of a door near the end of a hallway. the doctor exits the room. he seems surprised to see me.
"ah y/n! it's good to see you! i see you brought Brian's guitar! that's great!" he says with a warm smile and takes the guitar and bag with his notebook and tape recorder with it in his arms.
"uh.. can i see him?" i ask. he pauses and looks  down at the floor.
"sure but you can't go in" he takes me around the hall and we go in. a large glass panel separates the room from Brian's hospital room. he gives the bag and guitar to the nurse who brings it to Brian. his eyes light up as he sees what she brought. he grabs his guitar and holds it close to him. he flips through his notebook and stops at a page towards the end. he looks at the glass. i tear up, he looks so shocked to see me. he gasps and tries to walk to the glass but knows he's too weak to. the nurse gets a wheelchair and puts him in it. he wheels himself over and places a hand on the glass. the doctor presses a button and i can speak to him. Brian holds the button his side so he can reply.
"are you okay?" i ask. he nods.
"i'm fine. how are you?" he replies. i know he's not fine but i know he wants me to feel better.
"Freddie called. he's still in isolation but he says he's worried about you. i hear Roger's being a bother" i say. Brian smiles weakly.
"yeah well that's Rog. i bet Freddie hates it. i do too. John probably doesn't mind the quiet" i smile.
"yeah probably not."
"you look beautiful. i missed you so much" Brian says softly. i press my palms on the glass.
"i miss you too. it's so quiet without you. waking up without you is so painful" i say. he nods.
"i know. i just want to go back to you and to home. thank you for bringing my guitar" he says.
"i hope you can still play. did you see what i wrote?" he nods. "did you like it?"
"yeah i do. thank you" he says. i wrote him a few messages of inspiration to keep him going and some jokes.
"i'll stop by a few more times. the boys will be out of quarantine soon so they'll come visit as well" i say. he looks at the floor.
"hey, Bri i know it's hard but you'll get through it" i say.
"no. it's not that.. it's just.. it's like a fishbowl in here. i'm stuck spinning in circles the same old routine the same old day. i just want to go back to the way things were. you and i and the tour" he says, tears forming in his eyes. "i'm sorry i'm such a burden."
"Brian, don't say that. this isn't your fault. you're far from a burden and we'll get through this together" i say. he smiles.
"yeah.. you're right. i'm sorry."
"i'm gonna go Brian. i love you" i say.
"i love you too." i back away and release the button, making the line go quiet. he looks at me as i leave the room. i dream that night that i'm stuck in a fishbowl with Brian. we swim in circles together forever.

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