13 / weak

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a/n: hi guys! i'm just gonna put a little trigger warning here just in case any of these things make you uncomfortable: blood, vomit, hospitals, etc. if these make you uncomfortable please feel free to skip the chapter! thanks for reading!


a few days pass and Brian starts to feel worse. Roger spends a night with us, cracking jokes, trying to improve our mood. i play with Brian's hair as Roger tells a story about a girl he tried to date in high school.
"and she fell off the bleachers right after we kissed! i almost peed myself!" Roger says, smiling fondly at the memory. Roger leans on the headboard next to me. Brian gives him a soft smile turning away quickly to cough.
"do you need more water?" i ask softly. he shakes his head. Roger scoffs.
"if i was him, i'd be drinking myself in a stupor" he says.
"that wouldn't be very smart" i say raising an eyebrow.
"who said i was smart" Roger says smirking at me. Brian notices the smirk and hits Roger on the thigh.
"gah! Brian! really?!" Roger flinched and yells. Brian laughs. i giggle.
"now what's this ruckus about?" John says standing at the door. "i figured you would need some more suitable company" he says motioning to Roger. i pat an empty spot of blanket in front of me. John sits cross legged taking up the rest of the space on the bed. Brian curls his knees to his chest and huffs out a quiet sigh.
"i feel like utter shit" Brian says into his knees.
"i've been there, Bri. you'll be fine. maybe what you need is a proper hospital visit" John says. i thought about it but he hates hospitals and with the press and fans everywhere, we wouldn't want him to get stressed. but if it is bad he should get it checked out. i look into Brian's eyes, gripping his hand.
"you should really go to the hospital. i know it would be stressful but it's better to be safe than sorry. what if your hepatitis is back or worse? what if the meds stopped working? Brian you have to go" i say. Roger and John nodding. Brian sighs knowing he can't say no this time.
"i'll go" he says weakly. i smile and hug him. Roger and John join me and we all hug Brian. "thank you" we say. he nods into our embrace.

the next day we head to the hospital. New York is known for really good hospitals so i know they'll take good care of Brian. he shifts uncomfortably, now knowing he's not going to be free from the shackles of the hospital any time soon. we enter the emergency room the bright lights and busy triage catch our eyes. blood scatters the floor, tiny red dots disappear under our shoes but we shrug it off. it is a hospital after all. a doctor comes over to us ripping off her blood stained latex gloves.
"what seems to be the problem?" she asks sweetly.
"he has a high fever and it's been getting worse as the days go by. he got diagnosed with hepatitis a few months ago and he's been on his feet a lot recently. do you think it might have come back?" i explain, my hands getting shaky as i explain. the doctor places a hand on my shoulder.
"we'll run some tests and see. i can write a prescription for antibiotics and see what we can do for him here. how long is he staying here in New York for?" she asks.
"we're planning on going to D.C. in a few days but we can stay here longer if you can help" Brian explains. she thinks for a moment.
"yes i can help. i get many cases like this especially recently and with treatment your fever should go down and you'll be back on your feet soon" she explains. i hope so. she takes some blood and leaves to get the tests. a few hours later, the results come back. she sits down with the paper.
"his fever is very high and his hepatitis has resurfaced. he might have caught another one but we're not sure. for now, he'll have to be on bed rest and take a lot of medicine. were you on medicine before?" she explains. my heart lurches in my throat. no. no. he was fine how can he get worse? i had a feeling something bad was going to happen. after hearing the news, Brian's face turns pale.
"i think i'm gonna be sick" Brian says and vomits into the pan on the table next to him. tears start spilling out of my eyes, it's the first time i cry in front of him. i move his thick curly hair out of the way as he continues to gag and cough.
"we should run an MRI and get him a few x-rays to see if there are any problems with anything inside him. it's better to be safe than sorry" she explains. i nod wiping my cheeks. Brian lifts his head and wipes his mouth with his arm, coughing. his face is so pale and he looks so miserable. i grip his hand and he sees me crying.
"i'll be okay, love. they'll take care of me" he says, weakly. i choke out a sob and nod. he breathes heavily. the nurse wheels his bed off down the hallway and i'm left standing there alone and helpless.
"he'll be gone for a bit so you can go make some calls or take a walk" i just take a seat next to the bed and cry. my mind fuzzy, my lungs heaving for air. what if it's bad? what if he dies? what would i do without him? what if he can't tour anymore? thoughts race in my head and before i know it the doctor comes in with the x-rays and MRI results. i sit up, hopeful. my mind buzzing with fear.
"i'm just going to say that it's not good. but it's treatable" she says. my heart sinks.
"he should go back to London and resume his treatment there. he should fly back while he's still somewhat healthy. it'll get worse from here. his lungs are very weak and his fever is very high. i have him some medications which should give him energy to fly back but from there i can't say much. he should be fine but it's treatable so you're lucky there" she says. my heart breaks. how will Brian handle this? he can't tour, he can't do anything except lie in his stupid hospital bed and cry and be as miserable as he was before. tears run down my cheeks.
"it'll be okay" she says and hugs me. at least she's nice. she pulls away and soon Brian is discharged. we go back to the hotel and we're silent the entire drive back. Brian stares out the window absentmindedly. Freddie, Roger, and John are waiting for us in the room, they have a spare key.
"bloody hell we've been waiting forever. how is he?" Roger asks. Brian stands weakly, his legs shaking. i sit him down. i huff out a sigh tears forming in my eyes. John sees my distress and hugs me. i break down again for the second time today.
"so it's not good" Freddie says. i sniffle and wipe my nose.
"it's not" Brian says quietly. "i have to go back to London."
"London?! what about the tour?" Roger asks.
"i can't tour. i'm too weak. you'll have to cancel" he says, his voice cracking. "or find someone better."
"bullshit you're the best we have. if we have to cancel, we will" Roger says. Freddie sighs.
"we'll cancel." John pulls away as i stop crying. he nods in agreement. i sit next to Brian, his fingers link with mine. i look at him, his eyes the only thing still vibrant about him. his glassy eyes stare into mine with a sadness i can't even bear. i gently rest my head on his shoulder. he kisses my forehead softly. Freddie leaves the room to call the tour manager and Roger and John leave the room to give us privacy.
"i love you" i whisper.
"i love you too" he says, weakly. tears start to fill my eyes as i hold him his skinny frame wrapping around me much like the first night we slept together. i hold the tears back and try to sleep, thinking about the days we had and the future to come.

The Stars of 1973~Brian May x Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora