11 / america

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four large pills sit in front of Brian. the new prescription from the doctor came in. his last dosage left terrible side effects that gave him horrible headaches and dizziness. he spent most of the day on the sofa in my arms. he stares at the small colored ovals intently as if trying to move them with his mind. i push them slightly towards him with my fingers.
"take them, Brian" i insist. he shakes his head like an annoyed toddler.
"i don't want to" he says pouting. i breathe out a laugh.
"don't fight with me, Bri. take them" i say sternly. he sighs in defeat and downs the pills. he fidgets uncomfortably in his chair, waiting for the time to tick by. after a few minutes of just sitting, he notices no side effects are kicking in and stands up. he runs to his beloved guitar and slings the strap around his shoulder. he looks up at me from his usual seat on the floor and beams. he's happy that the medications don't effect him. i smile and sit next to him as he plays. after a while of lazing on the floor, we get up and leave to class. the day goes by slowly and his eyes flicker to me from his seat at the corner of the classroom. i smirk at him and chew on my pencil, his thin rimmed glasses are on to help him read. the professor calls on him for a question and he answers it with ease, something that still amazes me. after class, Brian and i get in the car. his hands rest clasped in his lap.
"are you okay?" i ask. "you've been looking at me all day."
"it's just you look good" he says with a tiny smile. i can't tell whether he means it but i shake it off and take the compliment.
"thanks. you too" i reply. we drive in silence.


Brian and i are sitting on the living room floor again and just chatting about life. i bring up the subject of him meeting my parents but he quickly changes the subject.
"do you want to learn how to play guitar?" he asks. my eyes light up.
"yes! i'd love to! you'd let me play your precious red special?" i exclaim. "i'm honored."
he giggles and hands me his treasured red and black colored guitar. i hold it delicately marveling the master woodwork that Brian and his father put into the instrument. he looks at me staring at the guitar.
"you're looking at it like it's a baby" he says.
"it kind of is" i reply. he chuckles. we look at each other and find ourselves in a bit of laughter. suddenly the phone rings. Brian picks up.
"hello?.. sure i'll put you on speaker..." Brian says and presses the button that puts the phone on speaker. suddenly 3 voices yell into the receiver.
"WE'RE GOING ON TOUR" they yell. Brian's mouth falls open.
"WHAT" Brian and i yell in unison.
"tour!! you heard it correct! we're going on tour! in bloody America!" Freddie yells. Brian sits down a look on his face of shock.
"we're going to the whole thing. New York! Boston! California!" John says. a smile grows on my face.
"that's amazing! i'm so proud of you!" i say hugging Brian. the boys laugh. i hear a champagne bottle pop in the background. they're already starting to party. Brian smiles wide, his cheeks red. he runs and kisses his guitar.
"we did it!!" he says and jumps around, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling. i laugh as he crushes me in a long hug.
"you're going on tour with me" he says. i stare into his hazel eyes that always made me swoon.
"you're serious? i won't distract you? also uh what about school" i say. he thinks about it.
"fuck school, we're going to America baby!" he says and spins me around. how will his family take it? he runs to the phone. the band members hung up not too long ago and he dials a phone number.
"dad? yes, hi! it's me! i have fantastic news! Queen is going to tour in America!" he says ecstatically in the phone. 
"i'm so happy for you, Brian. but how will you finish school on tour?" i hear the man say on the other end.
"i can finish school another time. i have all the time in the world. i promise you, dad. i'll make you proud" he says. the man on the other end is silent.
"you better" he replies and hangs up. Brian sighs.
"he doesn't understand. i have you and that's all that matters! we're going on tour!" Brian yells hugging me. we're going on tour. in America.
"you might distract me a little. especially if you look that good" he says eyeing me. i shove his shoulder lightly.
"i'll only go if you take your pills daily."

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