chapter 4

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Alia's p.o.v

"I am never going back to that school Mum am not, I can't and I won't" I cried the next morning.

"But you have to baby, you need to?" Mum said frustrated .

"She's going to kill me after what that horrible Zion did, mum please change my school please, just two days and it's already unbearable"

"Zion kissed you, so what?" she said and rolled her eyes.

"It's a big deal the devil kissed your child," I said and covered myself with the duvet.

"And my child has been blushing ever since?" she said with a smile on her face.

"Hell no I haven't" I said in denial but I could feel my cheeks turning red already.

Okay yes maybe I liked the kiss, or really really liked the kiss, even tho it was short, but you couldn't blame me a first kiss is a first kiss and it was meant to be liked even if you got yours from the devil.

"Alia you would go to school this morning and you would explain everything to Claire like the grown-up that you are, stop this childishness, and by the time I come back you should be dressed I don't want you delaying Tracy and Daniel," she said and left the room.

I groaned in frustration but still made my way to the bathroom where I had a quick shower, I didn't have trouble picking what to wear today as I had already decided to be in black, just in case I got killed by Claire I would already be dressed for a funeral.

Yes, I was that pathetic.

I rolled my eyes at my reflection in the mirror, why did they make dresses so beautiful, I was supposed to look like someone about to die and not a princess in a black dress.

"Whatever, "I said to myself.

I picked up the black bag I had prepared to take today with the dress and left my room, when I got downstairs Tracy was with Daniel and they looked pretty much very angry, I rolled my eyes because I could guess what they were arguing about.

"Good morning guys" I said to get their attention.

"Morning and how are you feeling today?" Daniel said and kissed me on my forehead.

"Am ok Don't worry" I tried to assure him because he was already giving me that concerned look.

"So what's your plan? Talking to Claire right?"Tracy asked as we all made our way outside the house.

I got into the back seat today as I wanted to be able to think properly about what I was going to say to Claire obviously I had to explain to her that's the right thing to do, but what if she slaps me instead and not bother to listen to what I have to say.

I mentally face-palmed myself as I had imagined how the conversation would turn out, I barely slept a wink last night as I kept looking at the time and wishing it would just stop and not move again so I wouldn't face Claire today but unfortunately for me, the stupid clock did what it wanted.

"Yes I would talk to her and explain things" I replied Tracy.

"What are you going to say?"Daniel asked with his eyes fixed on the road.

"The truth, Everything" I said and shrugged my shoulders I didn't have any other option.

"You see more of the reason why you should stay away from that Zion guy?"Tracy said in annoyance as her brows frowned.

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