chapter 9

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Alia's p.o.v

Well the weekend for me went well, Sunday I and mum went to church, something we haven't done in a long time now, and it felt good to do it again.

I didn't tell my friends about what happened between I and Zion at the party and I wasn't ready to tell anyone anything.

I still haven't gotten over what I did to Zion during the party, when I told Mum on Sunday night she was so proud of me, she said I was becoming the lady she wanted me to be, and the expression on her face was priceless.

But all the happiness I felt during the weekend Flushed away Monday morning, why? Because I was going to face Zion Today and I didn't know what he was going to bring up, I just prayed I would be as strong as I was at the party.

" am I dreaming or is Alia Trey Bailey dressed for school before 7:am this is a miracle!!!!!"Tracy said dramatically when she entered my room.

"Please don't ever talk that way again you sound like a dork trying to be funny," I said and rolled my eyes.

"Kill joy," Tracy said and rolled her eyes too.

"Whatever... let's go," I said then picked up my bag and left the room with Tracy behind me.

Well, you would think Tracy was a drama queen, wait until you meet my mother then you would know Tracy was a beginner.

The shocked expression on Mum's face, when we arrived downstairs, made me wish I didn't dress early, to think Mum's was worse, when I turned to my nana she was in tears, I was surrounded by emotional weirdos!!

"What?"I said as I became annoyed at their reactions.

"You are becoming a big girl, my love, don't just grow up too fast okay," Mum said as her own set of tears began to form at the bank of her eyes.

"Alia do not roll your eyes at your mother" the voice said in my head.

"Oh mum me being early for school isn't a big deal okay" I said and picked up the sandwich on the table and left them. Few minutes later Tracy joined me in the car and off we went to school.

"Okay now spill" Tracy said breaking the comfortable silence.

"Spill what?"I said.

"When you came back to join us at Pearl's party you had a kind of confidence I haven't seen on you before and today you woke up early which means you are looking forward to today's activity, now tell me what's up?"Tracy said.

"Oh Tracy it's nothing okay, I'm just happy that's all," I said with a smile on my face.

"Okay if you say so"Tracy said and ended the conversation and few minutes later we were in school, I got down from the car and waited for Tracy to join me so we could go together.

"Wow, Zion Changed his ride again in less than two months,arrg Lucky humans!"Tracy said dramatically which made me roll my eyes.

"I think it's time I get a ride, don't you think," I said with a smile plastered on my face.


"Yeah, why not? am old enough right?"I said as we got to our lockers.

"That would be nice truly" Tracy said as she picked up her books from the locker.

"Hey doll how are you?" someone said behind me.

I turned and found Zion standing behind me with his hands in his pockets and his left shoulder resting on the locker next to mine.

"Doll?"I turned and said to him.

He walked past me went over to where Tracy was and kissed her on the lips, which shocked both i and Tracy, after ravishing her lips with hard kisses he finally let her go, he then pecked her on the forehead and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, he turned to me and there was a bold smirk on his face, then he left, a surprised me and a dumbfounded Tracy.

"What just happened?"Tracy said a few minutes after he left.

"Nothing," I said and made my way to the class.

I knew what he did, he did that to spite me, after what happened at the party this was his way of revenge, I didn't want it to bother me but the pain I felt in my heart at the sight of him kissing my best friend was unexplainable, it hurts, it hurts like hell, and it was also annoying.

When I got inside the class Zion was seated in the seat next to mine which made me frown, what else did he want, I guess this game of his was just beginning and I think I need to be ready for whatever is coming.

I took my regular seat and focused my attention on what the teacher was saying, I didn't dare look in his direction, I didn't want to after what he did, My looking at him would mean I was affected and that would only make me look weak to him.

"For this week you all would be doing your first projects and don't think you get to choose your project partners hell no you don't I've paired you guys up already, now listen to your project partners
Tracy Amos to Zion Knight
Alia Trey Bailey to Derrick Cole........................ I hope you all work hard on this project, thank you" Mr Christopher our teacher said and left the class.

I turned to look at Zion and he had a smirk on his face and he was already starring at me, I turned to Tracy and there was a smile on her face, she was happy that she would be working with Zion and then I felt that pain in my heart again.

"Hey lovely it takes two to tango you know"Zion whispered in my ears.

"What are you playing at?"I asked not knowing what to make of the whole situation.

"Watch and see" he said and picked up his bag and left the class leaving me to my imagination.



(Drops pen)

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