Shock Part 12

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POV Amber

I wake up to loud talking coming from down the hall, so I get up my head hurts so bad but I make my way to where the loudness is coming from. I enter Kai's office to find him with our father yes I said it our father, Kai is apparently my half brother, as if my life couldn't get anything worse right now.

Why didn't you tell me I look at both of them as I walk into the office my father and Kai turn and look at me with questioning eyes. Am I the only one here that doesn't think this isnt normal I wander to myself.

POV Angelo

Hello would be nice Amber seems you lost your manners, Kai and I don't think you doing a good enough job to teach your wife respect, I say as I turn around to face the little bitch.
Now as for your question, No you are a female and your breed doesn't have the right to demand such answers, you are only placed on this green earth for us men to use you as incubators. Kai and you will produce a heir and this child will rule as the two bloodlines combine Italian and Russian that is all you need to know now you are dismissed and I turn back to carry on talking to my son who is more worth my time then she is.

POV Amber

I burst out with laughter, think I am loosing my mind especially wording my opinion out loud to my father one of the most powerful men on this plant.
You are fucken crazy you bastard I scream at him and with one movement he slaps me right off my feet, I land next to Kai's feet and he pulls me by my hair up from the floor.


Shut the fuck up Amber you will do as father and I want and need remember what will become of your little friend Jay if you don't I tell her. My father pulls her from my grip and slaps her once more that she again lands on the floor but she doesn't stop she spits her blood in his face and continues to laugh and tease him by asking if he would please kill her.

POV Amber

Please pappa kill me please I laugh at him and his anger grows so much it looks like the vein on his forehead is about to explode. He turns away and shouts at Kai to take his wife out of his sight. No baby I so badly want to visit a little more with pappa I scream as Kai pulls me kicking and scream out of the office and back to our room.


I warned you Amber I did but you always fuck up things, don't I give you a good life, don't you only wear the best, eat the best have the best huh I shout in her face as I push her onto the bed. Many comes running in and pleads me to stop I grab her by the hair and shout at her, did you two think I was fucken stupid Mandy I found those injection oh and by the way I took one of the sample of you blood Amber and guess what you fucken have in your blood, oh but I am sure you knew all along didn't you I shout at her.

POV Dr Mandy

No Kai please she didn't know I did this all on my own please Kai let her go I begged him as he held me in a tight grip.

POV Amber

Kai let her go please, she was only there to help me Kai, Kill me it was my idea Kai, I beg him but he won't have it and starts the beat Mandy so hard with his fist that her blood sprays onto the wall.


What let her go have you fucken lost your mind Mandy to try tell me what to do with and who the fuck do you think you are giving my wife these contraceptive knowing full well what she was born to do. I punch her and continue to as she tries to block my punches. Amber claws at my back to stop and I push her away from she hits her head on the side of the table and falls to the ground I rush to pick her lame body up when my father rushes in.

POV Angela

What have you done son, the room is a crime scene blood everywhere and Amber lame in his arms blood streaming from her head as he rushes out of the room carrying her in his arms.
Mandy tries to get up but falls down trying. I whisper in ear that it is my turn with her and that I won't go easy on her. Get her up and into my car we leaving for the plan now I tell my guards as I walk out and to my now awaiting car.
Once she is cleaned up and we in the air I make a call to Kai he informs me that Amber only had a concussion and needed a few stitches in her head. I now phone Jerry and tell him of my plans with his wife Mandy and he agrees for me to do as I please then once I am done with her to give her to my men, as a way to win back his respect his wife cost him.
Mandy you know the way the mafia works and you lucky I have allowed you to live after what you have done,now the rest of the time you are with me you will please me whenever I want and with whoever else if I should require more then one person, you will be my personal pet do you understand. She immediately replies yes and thanks me for sparing her life, for now I need you to fix me a hearty lunch and then feed me while watch TV.

POV Mandy

This is the end for me, I am Angelo's now and I must be very grateful he never took my life for what I have done to him and his family. I quickly rush to the on board kitchen and cook up the only thing I know how too my Mac and cheese everyone who has ever eaten  it has said there is nothing like it, once it's done I place the first spoon into his mouth and he humms, that's a relief I know he is happy with it so I continued to feed him till he was satisfied.
I then sat on his lap and placed kisses on his huge cheeks while his big hand moved under my skirt.
He took over and began his revenge on my body with his.

For the next few weeks we where in and out of countries, hotels and plains, I heard some bits on conversations that Angelo must have been having with Kai and it sounded like Amber was doing well and I was thankfully for that.
Day after day Angelo would devour my body sometimes all day and when he would tire that still wouldn't stop him from having his way he would call in two of his men to have me at once. So here I lay on the shower floor with blood pouring from my pulses and as I drift off into the calm darkness I pray once more for Amber to be saved and I let go of life.

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