Taking My Place Part 13

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POV Amber

I sob for days after I got the news of Mandy taking her life, she was the only person ever to be there for me and to care about me, she understood what this life was all about, she kept me strong she was my rock and now I have no one, it's all my fault I blame myself for my friends life, I blame my self for Jay and I blame myself for ever being born. Kai uses my body most of the day as he is desperately needing a heir and I try to act like I am trying too but I don't even feel alive inside anymore my fight is gone and all I do is pray for death to take me.


Its a month since Mandy died and Amber is in a haze still, I cant deal with this attitude of hers and she needs to gain back her fight and love for me so I get Mario to send me a entertaining video of him slicing bits of skin off of Jay that will surely snap her back. See my queen this is what happens when you don't make me happy do you want me to continue to teach you or do you now understand I say as tears roll from her eyes.

POV Amber

No more Kai you made it clear I will start to act like your wife again I promise baby just please stop, I promised this time to let him have all of me my heart my soul my whom whatever he wants and needs if he agrees to one day when the time is right to let Jay go free, I swear Kai I will give you a hundred sons but you need to agree to my one request I beg him and he allows it.


Only this one request Amber and all this shit ends promise me Amber and I won't have to hurt you or Jay again, she promises me and seals our agreement with a passion filled kiss after our heated kiss she gets off the chair and walks outside and dives into the pool with no clothes on. I join my queen in the cool water and make passionate love to her. Spreading her legs around me and pushing myself into her, we made love most of the day and I could feel her becoming the Amber I once new, from the pool we fucked in the shower then moved to the kitchen as Amber was hungry, I laughed as I bent bent her over while she was biting into an apple, fuck baby I could stay like this forever I moaned as I came deep inside her. Once we were done I ordered my maid to run a bath for us.

POV Amaber

Kia carries me bridal style all the way to the bathroom and he steps into the bath still holding me, the bath is full of bubbles and there is some rose petals scattered around, also there is a ice bucket on a table next to the bath with champagne and two glasses. He takes my legs and wraps them around his stomach then tells me to lift my bottom up, I do and he pushes hard into me I moan load as its the first time I am on top of his huge member, oh god Kai I groan as he moves my hips, this is so much more intense almost like the first time all over again but without the pain this is a deep good pain that shoots through my body the fast Kai moves inside me and soon I am begging him to let me release myself, Kai won't just let me be I must ask permission first and only when he approves my I let go the moans become louder from both of us, the heat from the bathwater makes it even more intense as makes my skin more sensitive when his hands dig into my bottom, Kai let's out a loud moans and tells me now baby and we both let go at the same time he fill me more and more with his member when he cums to the point that I am just about to tear but then it stops and, I slump my head down onto his chest.


You loved that baby I could see that in your eye. Amber becomes blood red in her face, what babe why you so shy about it I ask her.
I reach for our glasses and pour us champagne, Amber still not trying to make eye contact with oh come on baby you can't be embarrassed really I have seen everything on you and every part of you, this only makes Ambers face light up like a red robot, I just laugh at her.

POV Amber

Its not funny Kai I still like to have a bit a dignity you know and I try hide my face but her lifts my chin up so we have eye contact and places a soft kiss on my lips.

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