Chapter 14: Rock Stars Sh*t Is Ridiculous

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"Still haven't talked to him?" Trace is surprised.

"What am I supposed to say?" I shrug. Trace and I have barely had a conversation about...this. We just keep fight-flirting and touching each other.

"Tell him the truth. You spent the night in my bed and it was amazing. That should do it." Trace holds the phone out to me, his eyebrows raised in challenge.

Trace thought sleeping together was amazing? I frown at my phone to keep the grin off my face. At my scowl, Trace hands over my device. I send the call to voicemail and shoot off a quick test to Colin.

I know you are worried about me. I'm fine. Trace got me a room at the Four Seasons last night. I'm still here. I need a little time. Please respect that.

He replies immediately.

I'm sorry that I lost my temper. I would never hurt you. I love you.

Me: I know.

I hesitate, biting my lip. Yesterday, I told him I loved him effortlessly, probably several times during our day together. I do love him—he's been my person for over a year— I'm just not sure I've ever been in love with him. Still, it's cruel to leave him hanging.

I love you, too.

Trace is standing right beside me during the exchange, but he doesn't comment. When I slide my phone in my pocket, he clears his throat and moves me away from the bed. "Well, one good thing. Your love declaration to Colin..." he rolls his eyes, "has helped me decide."

"Decide?" I say, a little panicked. Is he going to send me home, because I didn't break up with Colin on the spot?

"On how to show you a good time. It's not gonna be in bed. I'm not getting between true love," he is snarky, teasing, like fourteen year old Trace.

"People say I love you all the time, in all sorts of ways." I say defensively. "You don't have anybody in your life that you love, even though you aren't in love with them?" I'm thinking of Mac. She's obviously protective of him. They must be close.

Trace looks mildly alarmed, but then his face softens slightly. He shrugs, the rock star face descending. "Maybe."

"Well, maybe I care about Colin like that."

He nods. "Well, whatever you feel for him, he thinks you are in love, and you know it. You already told me you feel guilty. So you and me...not happening while you are with him. A cheat lay is not how I want you, babe."

Did Trace just say he wants me? I swallow, trying desperately to come up with a response that doesn't include throwing myself into his arms. "A cheat lay?" I say. "You have such a way with words, Rock Star."

"I do write songs for a living. I know how to say what needs to be said, legit-like."

"Hmmm. A cheat lay sounds like the opposite of legit."

He throws an arm over my shoulder. "I'll give you that one, KitKat. A Skin cuddle is legit. Cheat lays are illegit, which is why me and you are a no-go."

Wait, did Trace now say he doesn't want me? I'm so confused.

We make a quick stop back in his suite. Mac, Leed, and Bodie are still hanging out there. The guys greet me warmly. Mac smiles but her eyes flit to Trace and tighten a little. There's no time for talking, Trace only stops for a hat and sunglasses. He turns to me, flipping down his designer shades. "Riley get you any incognito shit?" I shake my head.

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