Chapter 45: Rock Stars Got No Game Sometimes

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This chapter is dedicated to Jaci_Leigh_2018 because I love your comments! Thanks for participating in my story! 


Kat heads straight to the shower. No surprise, I am not invited to join her.

The realistic part of me is over the moon that Kat is even willing to try to forgive me. Honestly. I am fucking thrilled to be standing here rummaging Ellen's kitchen, making snacks for movie night. Christ, who keeps microwave popcorn in a drawer?

But then there's the rock star part of me that was banking on the 1% chance that Kat forgiving me would include us making love for the first time tonight. The rock star knows he's gotta go tomorrow, and he wants to lock her down.

Fuck, Gallant, get it together. She's your best friend, and the love of your life, not your property. Remember what Matt said. Be the guy. Give her what she deserves.

Kat deserves all the time she needs...and chocolate drizzled popcorn. My mom used to make that sometimes for us, when the whole neighborhood would turn out for the outdoor summer movies projected in front of the community pool. Kat loved it. I find chocolate bars and mini marshmallows in the pantry. Sweet.

I'm mixing the popcorn, melted chocolate-marshmallow goo in a bowl when my phone rings. Adam.


"Not much," Adam says casually. "Just on tour with my band, Soundcrush. Ever heard of us?"

I laugh. "Fuck you, man. You know I'll be back for the Richmond show."

"It can't be soon enough. These session guys are good musicians, but it ain't the same and the fans know it."

"Nah, nobody misses me as long as Leed's on point."

"Yeah, well, he's MIA right now, too."

"What?" I nearly drop the phone in the melted chocolate. Leed was unreliable all last year, but he'd been solid this whole tour so far. More than solid. He's been the rock.

"He didn't get on the jet out of Florida. Dawes is pissed. Trace, if we have to cancel Charlotte..."

"What did Leed say, exactly?" I ask.

"Said he had to see a man about a boat, and he'd catch up in the morning. He hopped a commercial flight to Fort Myers."

The tightening I'm feeling all over relaxes a little. "I think he went to see Ashlynn. Her rehab is near there."

"What's up with that?" he asks suspiciously.

"Honestly, I don't know. I think they are actually...friends. If that's where he went, he'll only get an hour with her. He'll catch up in the morning. It's all good."

"Friends, huh? Who the hell would be friends with Leed, unless they were stuck in a band with him?" Adam jokes. "Or with Ash, unless they were stuck in a fake marriage with her? How is she, anyway?"

"Okay. One day at at time, you know," I sigh. "By the way, we aren't, anymore. Married, I mean."

"That's kinda dirty to hit her while she's down."

"She served me with the annulment papers," I growl.

"Fucking wow."

"Yeah. Listen, I gotta wrap this up. Date night with Kat."

"Damn, player."

"Hardly. I'm walking on my knees, dude. HellKat's in the house."

"You deserve it."

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