Chapter 46: Rock Stars Dirty Text

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STEAM WARNING!!!! This chapter has explicit language and themes. If you aren't into that, just skip. You can do so without missing any of the storyline!


I'm not in the guest room five minutes before she texts me.

What are you doing?

I grin. Surely she has a pretty good idea what I'm doing. Ask a dangerous question, get an honest answer, KitKat.

Fisting my cock and thinking of how beautiful you looked when I watched you come in NOLA.

Her response is immediate.

Send me a pic.

I laugh outright. She's asking me to break Rock Star Commandment #2: Thou shalt not send dick pics. Somehow they always end up trending.

Come see for yourself.

It feels like my whole universe is hanging on those three little dots. Will she come and play with me?

Pretty please send the pic? A girl should know what she's in for...

Nope. She's not coming across. I guess that means I am. Hell, I can't believe I'm doing this. I have sneaking suspicion I'm never going to be able to deny my girl anything. It takes me a few shots to get the most complimentary angle. I send the pic, captioned For Your Eyes Only.

Wow is the singular response.

I laugh again.


Wow? As in...


Bigger than I imagined

And surprisingly...appealing?

I never saw one

I really liked the look of before




Ah, I see.

There's a name for what you are experiencing...




You're cockstruck

You can always ease your affliction, you know...


I'll get on that.

My orgasm, I mean.

Not your cock.


Christ, Kittykat, your mouth...

Actually, I guess it's not really her dirty mouth but her filthy mind and fingers that are driving me crazy at this moment, but she'll get the idea.


Yeah, I'm worried about my mouth too.

I'm currently googling

"BJ techniques on oversized gorgeous penises"


This isn't funny.

You are torturing me.

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