Chaper 17 - The wedding

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1 month later

Angelos POV

I stood their waiting at the alter waiting for the love of my life, my tux was placed nicely on me and my hair was swept back firmly. I was really nervous to be honest but that wouldn't stop me from marrying her. People always use to tell me, "The Mr Angelo Lopez will never fall in love or either marry anyone" but here I am marrying a women I love.

I start to wonder, what our twin boy and girl will look like? I knew they were going to,look good just like me, and Camila of course, I smiled at the thought and felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Alex looking at me.

"You'll be okay Angelo, just, try to smile" he said and laughed and saw Sebastian smiling all the way, Sebastian had met a women named Natalie and now have a child waiting on board.

My mother and father, uncle, cousins really good friends were all here with me today.

Soon everyone started standing up and saw Camila's friends (bridesmaids) walk one by one, Natalie was in there too.

Soon everyone's attention went to Camila and I saw her... in her big white dress. Her hair was wavy but nicely and her makeup was beautiful. She was beautiful..

Soon she stood in front of me and looked at me, "you look beautiful" I said and she smiled. "I know" she said and winked.

Soon the man did all the stuff, we did our vows and it was time.. to make her mine.

"Do you? Angelo Hayes Lopez take Camila to be your lovley wife?" He said and I nodded and said. "I do" He then Looked at Camila and said that exact same words again. "I do"

"I know pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride" he finally said and I leaned over to Camila and kissed her hard on her lips. Cheer of excitement filled the room.

Camila's POV

Hour later, me and Angelo were sitting on a tree.. yeah...a tree.. "I love you" Angelo said and kissed my forehead as he placed a hand around my waist and looked at my stomach. I smiled. "Are you happy" he said and I nodded, "more than anything" and put my head on his shoulders as he pulled me closer. Some people had left and said their congratulations.

Soon I felt weird, I also felt something run down my legs, I looked and Angelo looked at me worriedly, "what's wrong" I looked and him and glanced at my leg. And hoped down the tree gently as Angelo helped me, we reached the ground and it happened again. "What is happening Angelo!" I said lifting my dress up, soon I realised....

My water broke..

Alex and Sebastian ran over to us since they were the only ones here. "Shit, get her to the hospital now, Sebastian look after her" Angelo ran after car and Sebastian held me in his hands. "You'll be okay, wait-" Sebastian said
"What is it!?" I said in pain,

"Your bleeding"

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