Bruises and Stars

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~Author's Note~
Ok so I changed the title and cover. I was thinking that the name didn't go well with what I was thinking for the story, I also changed the description a bit. So yeah I made a few small changes but the rest is the same. Now you can read:)
Ivy's P.O.V.

It's about two in the morning when I hear something hit my window...again. I sat up real quick and looked to see what it was. It was either a bird that had flew at my window because they do that alot, birds around my neighborhood are very dumb. Or it's Jonah throwing stuff again. And what do you know, it's Jonah.

I opened my window and peeked my head out. "Jonah what in the world are you doing, it's like two in the morning" I whisper yelled at him.

"Princess I'm so sorry I woke you up, but my uncle beat the crap out of me and I don't have any where to go.", well shit. I feel bad for yelling at him.

"Oh my God, Jonah I'm sorry" I said as nice as possible because I really did feel bad. "Go to the front door then I'll let you in ok" I shut my window and then ran downstairs to him.

I opened the door and he just smirked, "Hi baby" he spoke first. I just rolled my eyes at this. "Just get in the damn house so I can help you, I don't want you to just stand out there and hurt", this time he gave me a genuine smile.

We went up to my bathroom and I got out my first aid kit. "Here sit down on the counter", he did what I said and then I got a good look at him. He had a black eye and a big cut on his forehead and one on his lip. I cleaned those up and then checked his ribs. They didn't feel broken but he winced when I touched them so I should probably check them.

"Pull up your shirt Jonah", I said quietly, feeling a little awkward. "Woah princess, not so fast I don't think your ready for that yet" he said chuckling. "Jonah, I didn't mean it like that i just need to check and see if your ok" I said blushing.

"Aww baby you're so innocent" he said laughing. "What?" "I was just joking princess" he said still laughing a little. I smacked his arm. "Ow, chill" I snickered a little.

I finished up and put the first aid kit away. I was about to walk out of the bathroom when Jonah grabbed my wrist. I turned around and he pulled me up to him so that I was standing between his legs. He reached up and caressed my cheek. "Thanks for helping me and letting me stay here" he said barely above a whisper. "Oh uh, yeah, you're welcome Jonah" I said stumbling on my words because right at the moment I didn't even know what to say. He leaned in and of course I started blushing hard cause this hot ass boy is leaning in like he's gonna kiss me and I dont even know what he's gonna do.

His face got right up to mine and he rubbed his nose against mine. He drew back and pushed my glasses up my nose. Damn I need to get my glasses adjusted.

He jumped down off of the counter and walked out of my bathroom. "So, where am I sleeping" he yelled. Wow, just like that he leaves me a hot mess standing in my bathroom, confused.

I walked out of the bathroom and smuled atg him, "well I guess you could just sleep on the floor, I don't really have anywhere else for you to sleep", he looked confused,"but baby theres a room just down the hallway, unless if you just want me to stay in here" he said smirking.

Well shit, that was my parents room. Now I'm gonna start crying. "Um...actually...You can't really..." I just stopped stuttering there because I was crying too much. I started sobbing. I usually don't cry this hard but I really am now. Jonah ran up to be and held me tight "baby what's the matter, what did I say, I'm sorry, its gonna be ok,  I'm here" he said soothing me until I calmed down.

"Now what's wrong princess?" I sat and thought, should I tell him? Well of course I should, he's my friend. He's gonna find out at some point. "Well its kind of a long story, but I guess I need to tell you" I said quietly. "Well why don't we go outside and sit on the roof and talk about it" he suggested. "Ok, but would if your uncle see's us", i asked nervously, "don't worry he won't, he's passed out" oh ok.

We got out on the roof and I took a deep breath because I knew that I had to tell him everything now. He layed down on his back and motioned for me to lay down with him, so I did. I rested my head on his sholder and stayed quiet for a minute. "Tell me when you're ready, ok princess", I nodded my head and waited a minute to tell him, because I was still a little scared. I never open up about my parents.

"Well I guess I'm ready" I spoke, "I remeber when I was little my parents never had much money, its one reason why we lived in this little house in this crappy neighborhood." I chuckled a bit, "but I remeber that even though we didnt have much money my parents treated me well, as some would say,  we weren't rich with money, but we were rich with love." I started to tear up. "When I was twelve years old my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer, she fought so damn hard but it just wasn't enough" I said quietly, now that the tears are streaming down my face. "After my mom died my father wasn't the same person, he got very depressed, which made me very depressed, I remeber after about 3 years we started going to meetings and things got better because they actually helped" I stopped and took a deep breath, "My father started working again and he made very good money, he payed off his car and our house, he even met a new women" I wiped away my tears because there were alot, I could barely see. "He met the lady at his work, she was a few years younger than him, I never liked her that much though, but she made my father very happy so that made me happy" I smiled a bit remebering how happy they were together, "they were even engaged to get married a year after they met but things got bad" I stopped because I was getting choked up, the tears were back, "they were out to dinner one night and on their way back home they got in a car accident" I said barely above a whisper.

Jonah reaches down and kissed the top of my head while wiping my tears, "it's ok princess you can stop now, i know its hard to talk about this" he said sweetly. "No it's ok, they were both killed when the car crashed, so then I was by myself" I thought back to what happened, "you see since I was only sixteen I wasn't aloud to live alone, so my aunt got custody of me and moved in here" I cringed at the thought of my aunt, "my aunt always brought her friends over and did drugs, I remeber never having anything while she was here, she didn't give a shit about me either, it was horrible, it made me depressed so I started to cut myself and she would hit me at times" Jonah kept rubbing my arm keeping me calm,  "When I turned eighteen, I could finally live on my own, so now I'm here on my own, but I've been lonely, my parents are gone and its not like I have friends. But I have you now" I say looking up at him.

We both sat up and he looked straight into my eyes, "thank you for being a friend to me and listening to me, it means a lot" I said smiling. "Of course baby I would do anything for you, I am so sorry that all of that happened, but you have me now and I'm not going anywhere alright princess" he said tearing up a bit. Gosh I didn't know he could be so emotional. "Thank you so, so much" he smiled "You're so, so welcome princess"

He pulled me into him so that my back was facing towards him. "Hey Jonah look, the stars are out" I said sounding excited. He chuckled, "yes they are princess" we both sat staring in awe at the stars.  Since we live in town you dont usually see the stars.

"Our stars" I heard him whisper. I smiled at this, "Yeah, our stars" I whispered.
And that's where the whole new title comes in, I felt like the old title didn't go with the story so I changed it. On another note, Ivy and Jonah are very very close at the moment😁 I'm going to try and get the next chapter done as soon as possible, so yay for you readers! Anyways I hope everyone has a good day!♡♡♡

-R Y L E E

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