Blue, Purple, and Pink Hair Dye

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Jonah's P.O.V.

Ivy and I are still laying on her garage roof. I know she's asleep, but it's so peaceful outside. The stars are out, my uncle isn't around, and the most beautiful girl in the world is laying next to me. Why would I want to move. Even if somebody offered to take me to Starbucks right know, I wouldn't move. And Starbucks is great. I know I sound like some basic white girl , but I really like Starbucks ok. No hate.
I finally decided to go inside. I nudged Ivy and she woke up a bit. But she was still half asleep. I carried her inside and layed her down on her bed. I was about to go lay down myself but she grabbed my hand.

"Stay with me", I knew that by this she she wanted me to lay down with her, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't. I know we would only be sleeping but I just can't, Ivy is just so innocent and sweet. My innocent Ivy. I reached down and rubbed the side of her face, "Not yet Ivy, not yet" I whispered. She just smiled a little and then fell asleep.

I took my shirt, and shoes off. I made a bed on the ground and layed down. Well this isn't that comfortable. Smh, I should have got in the damn bed.
I woke up and felt something warm laying next to me. I opened my eyes and seen that Ivy was next to me. She must have moved down here during the night. She really wanted to sleep with me huh. Maybe she likes me? I hope she does, cause I really like her. Jesus I sound like such a girl. I moved one of her curls out of her face and smiled, she's so cute. Well now I sound creepy.

She stirred a bit and then she finally opened her eyes. "Hey princess" I said smirking. She smiled sweetly, "Hi Jonah" I pulled her into me and you could tell she was nervous because she blushed. So. Damn. Cute. "I guess you really, really wanted to sleep with me huh?" She blushed even more, "It was cold up there", "Baby you had a blanket", she rubbed her eyes and yawned, "it was still cold though" she said innocently. I chuckled a bit. "C'mon princess lets get up" I sat up and grabbed her hand pulling her up with me, then her eyes got wide. "Oh shit!" I looked at her confused, "What?" "Jonah we have school today, it's already half past noon" she said in a panicked tone. "Eh, we should just skip, school days almost over anyways", "But Jonah i have never skipped!" I smiled at her words, "It'll be fine baby, and hey we could watch reality tv all day" I remined her while smiling. She sat and thought about it and then finally spoke, "I guess we could" I smirked at her and then she smirked back. Then we both ran straight down to her living room and turned on the TLC channel. It has all the good reality tv shows.

When we turned on the TLC channel the show Unexpected was on. "I friggen love this show" I yelled. "Omg same, but we need food before we watch it" she pointed out. So we ran to the kitchen and grabbed snacks. We got chips, and chocolate, and pop tarts, and fanta, and Takis, and a bunch of other shit. We ran back into the living room, got all the food set up amd then strated watching tv again. We probably looked like a couple of idiots running around in our night clothes. I mean all I have on is boxers and knee high socks that have Spongbob on them. While Ivy's just in a huge ass t-shirt and long striped socks. But we're having fun.
It's like five in the afternoon, we've ate like all of the food at Ivy's house and have been doing nothing all day. Like no shit there is no food left. Right now we're watching 90 Day Fiancee and I can tell Ivy is bored and hungry, and so am I, but then an idea pops into my head. I should invite Markus over. Ivy would absolutely love Markus. One thing most people don't know about Markus is that he's gay. I remember when we were fifteen Markus came out to everyone, but he came out to me first. I mean why wouldn't he we're best friends. I didn't think any different of him though, I mean I could kind of tell he was gay, just by the way he acted, but I still treated him as my best friend. But I just know that Ivy will love him. Ivy is a loner and so are me and Markus. They should get along great.

"Hey princess is it ok if my friend Markus comes over" She looked over at me and smiled, "Yeah sure" I grabbed my phone and messaged him.

Jonah- Hey bro you wanna come hang out at my friend Ivy's?

Dumbass (markus)-Oohh who tf is Ivy? Is she cute? Send me a pic of her? Where's her house? I NEED INFORMATION BIIITTCCHH!!

I rolled my eyes at this.

Jonah- Her house is right next to my uncles. Its the little two story yellow one

Dumbass (markus)- I'll be there soon, don't have too much fun without me. And you are gonna tell me about whats going on with you and this girl later ok.

Jonah- don't worry i will see ya in a bit

Dumbass (markus)- See ya

I sat my phone down and looked over at Ivy, she was all cuddled up with her blanket. I'm jealous of that blanket. Then I speak up, "My friend Markus is heading over alright, don't worry you'll love him" she smiled "Sounds good, we should all go to Walmart later and buy food" I smiled "Yeah sounds good, Markus will like that, he basically lives at Walmart" she giggled at my words. Damn she's so cute.
We heard a knock at the door and we got up to go open it. I opened it and of course it was Markus. He must have seen Ivy because his mouth hung open he pushed me and looked at Ivy. "Oh my gosh, girl you are so cute, Hi I'm Markus and we are gonna be very good friends" he said while shaking her hand. She giggled at this, "Hi I'm Ivy, nice to meet you" I looked at Markus closely and noticed that his eyes were red as hell and he's acting ditzier than usual. I closed the door, and asked him, "Markus are you high?" He stared at me in confusion, "Maybe I am bitch but that isn't any of your damn business" he said flipping me off. I just chuckled and walked into the living room with them.

We sat and laughed and talked about stupid random stuff for about an hour or so until Ivy finally said something that sounded great, "We should go to Walmart and buy a bunch of shit we dont need" and then she added on, "even though none of us have any money". I laughed a bit because its funny when she says it, but it does sound like a good idea. "Oh heck yes!" yelled Markus. He stood up and walked to the door, "Lets go bitches, we have useless shit to buy". We stood up and grabbed some clothes to put on then piled into Markus' car.
We were singing along to the song MOOO! By Doja Cat when we pulled up to Walmart.

We walked around for a bit grabbing food we didn't need, and then we jumped into one of the big bins of stuffed animals, then Markus and Ivy climbed up one of the shelves because they wanted me to take pictures for them to post on Instagram.

After a while Markus came up with an idea. And it was fucking retarded. "Oh my gosh guys, we should all dye our hair!" "Ooh that's a good idea" Ivy comments. "Oh hell no, I am not dyeing my fucking hair" I said. "Oh c'mon Jonah, it would be cool, we could all three have really bright hair and we could all look stupid together" Ivy says, "Yeah we already look retarded, dyeing our hair wouldn't be much of a change" Markus commented. I just looked at them annoyed and then they started doing puppy dog eyes, now I can resist Markus' but Ivy's. There is no fucking way. I sighed, "Ok fine."

We picked out the colors, Ivy got purple, Markus got pink, and I got blue. But I did make sure I got the kind that washes out after a while. Ivy and Markus didn't though. *laughs evily*
We got back to Ivy's and we started on our hair. It was a friggen mess. We were having fun though, we turned on music and Ivy and Markus danced around everywhere while I just laughed. I've noticed that I'm way more chill than those two.

Once we were done with our hair it actually look pretty cool. Of course Markus and Ivy wanted to take pictures, so I joined in. I actually had a lot of fun today. It makes you really happy when you get to spend time with your closest friends. But Ivy isn't just a friend anymore, I actually really like her. A LOT. And I think I'm gonna tell her soon.
Well now we all know Markus. And they actually had fun which is great. AND JONAH'S P.O.V. WOW! I'm honestly proud of this chapter like its actually pretty cool. Thanks for reading, have a good day!♡♡♡

- R Y L E E

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