❤Dethelcan Tournament❤

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When we were exploring the city I got dragged into this alleyway. "Hey Y/N." The voice said. "N-noo" I said. I looked at him straight in the eye. "Why the frick are you out?" I ask. "Well you see me being Jacob I decided that I needed a break from jail. So I escaped." He said and took out a share of glass and attacked it on my arm and lip. Then I took my first and connected it with his face. Then I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. I called the police and told them what was happening. About five minutes later the police came. They took Jacob and put him in the back of the car.
I quickly texted Mj on where they were at. She texted back and told me that they were at Navy Pier. I quickly got a cab and told him to take me to Navy Pier. Once we got there I told him thank you and have him the money. I started to look around. I saw them and I quickly ran over to them. But then I remembered that I got some blood on me. I can try and hide it.
"Hey Y/N!" They said. "Hey guys!" I said. "Where were you we were worried." Mj said. "Well um I saw one of my cousins here and I talked to her." I said. "Oh ok." She said and shrugged it off. We walked to go see Wrigley Field.
Once we were done exploring the city we went back to our hotel room.
Once we got back I quickly ran to the room. But something felt off. Mj came in asking what was the red stuff in my arm. But something got her. I turned around with a tooth brush in my mouth. Then I saw Nick Fury sitting on the chair sipping his drink.
"Oh h-hey Grandpa Fury, scared me for a minute." I said because I knew he hated me calling him that. "Hey Mini Stark. So I just wanted to say that you and that Spider kid or whatever he is, that you guys are going on a mission getting a file from Hydra." He said. "Hydra? And why did you come all the way out here you could've called it texted me." I said. "Also shouldn't the team go to the Hydra base because you know I screw around all the time. You should know that." I said with my back against the wall with my hands crossed against my chest with my toothbrush in my mouth. "Y/N we chose you and Peter to go out for this mission to see if you guys are capable of doing the most dangerous missions or if you need more training with Natasha." He said. "Fine but can it be after the tournament?" I ask. "Of course you come back what on Tuesday or Monday?" He asks. "Monday." I said. "Great now get some rest you have the tournament also I'll email the coordinates and what you're looking for." He said while sipping on his drink. "Ok well I'm going to sleep." I said. "Ok well this is my cue also the dart should last for the next hour or so." He said while closing the door.
I placed Mj in the bed next to mine. I set my alarm clock. I changed into a sports bra and a pair of sweats. Then I went to bed.
The next morning I woke up to my alarm playing  r/s (random song). Mj was half asleep when I got out of the bathroom. I changed into the uniforms they had us wear. Mj was up by the time I got dressed. I got a pair of black converses on and I put my hair into a ponytail.
We all went down to the lobby and waited for Mr. Harrington. Once he got to us we were all waiting on the bus. "Okay guys and girls let's take these dubs as you kids say it." Everyone just let out a giggle.
Once we got there we all had to put our stuff into this container so we don't cheat. After that we all got into our places. I sat next to Peter and Ned.
"Who are all the 'Beatle' members in order?" The announcer asked. Everyone thought for a second. Then I got the answer. I rung the bell. "Contestant." The lady said. "George Harrison, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Pete Best, Ringo Starr, and Stuart Sutcliffe." I said. A long pause of silence. "That is correct." She said. Everyone came and started to cheer. That was the final question. Everyone hugged me and stuff.
After that we all went to Wrigley Field to watch a baseball game. I sat inbetween Liz and Peter. Something felt very odd. Every time she moved it did something my senses would go off. I guess Pete noticed my uncomfort of Liz because he hugged me.
After the ball game we all went to a restaurant. We are and had a good time. But tomorrow is when we head back for Queens.

❤Next Day❤,

Everyone who came didn't want to leave. But we had to go. Fury emailed me the coordinates and stuff for the mission. Currently I sitting in a bus at four a.m. with Peter, Mj, and Ned. Since basically everyone is asleep I text Pete even though he is sitting on the opposite side of the aisle.
"Pete Fury visited me least night telling me to tell you that we have a mission once we get back." I said in the text.
"K. Where exactly are we going?" He says in his.
"Des Moines, Iowa." I said in the text.
"Why are we going there?" He asks
"Experiments gone wrong." I wrote back .
  "Oh ok well ttyl."
   " Ttyl. "
I shut my phone off and put my ear buds in. I tried to go to sleep but it wasn't working. I looked out of the window and pictured myself with Pietro if he wasn't with Liz.
  It was around seven am when I got a message from my favorite cousin......Madi. All she said was that she was going to go visit Ireland with her mom and dad. But all I know is that my mom(Pepper Potts) and my dad are, too, busy right now because one person is running the company and the other one is designing stuff.
  But around 12 am I went to sleep. I spent the whole night up and everyone was sleeping. Two hours later we stopped at a McDonald's to get food. I didn't want to talk to anyone because I was trying to stay focus on the mission and what happened at Chicago.
  I walked into the restroom and saw that the bruises and cuts in my face had actually worsened. Which is strange because they usually heal by now.
  I walk out and spot my friends talking and having fun while I'm here feeling tired. I walk over towards them. Peter acknowledges me and smiled his cute smile.
  "Hey angel!" He says brightly. "Hey." I said as I put my head on the table. "What's wrong?" Mj asks me. "I'm tired I basically pulled an all nighter and I just want sleeeeppp.!" I exaggerate. Mj just laughs and rubs my back.
Next thing I know was that Peter was carrying me onto the bus. He sat me down all the way in the back to where I was sitting and let me have the whole seat. He sat across the isle. And I was preparing myself for the mission that is coming.

A.N.~ Here is the chapter. I really hope you like it I know it's not the best and it probably doesn't make sense but here is a chapter. Have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night to wherever you are!
Peace out my dudes ✌✌✌

mma start putting the dates on here. Idk why I just felt like it🤷🏻‍♀️

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