Pink Glitter Gloss

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Louis' POV

Today has been...uneventful. Per usual. I walked around the city a bit with my camera to see if anything sparked by interest but nothing really did. By two pm I was bored and decided to come back home. I sketched in my drawing pad for a little while until that began to bore me as well. So here I am at four pm, upside down on the couch watch Courage the Cowardly Dog re-runs. It was the episode where they went to the art museum and of course everything went all haywire.

By the end of the episode I heard the door open. I didn't need to look though to see who had entered the apartment because it could only be one of two people who had a key. "BOO BEAR!" A female voice shrieked. Because of the fact that only one person called me that, the possible two got narrowed down to one. "Big sister. How sweet, you've decided to grace me with your presence. How was the hair show?" I asked, still upside down.

"Don't sound so enthusiastic." Hali plopped down in front of me, granted I could see straight up her nose due to my current position. "Sorry. Lots of blood flowing towards my brain right now." She rolled her chocolate eyes. "Mhm. The hair show was great! We ended up getting booked by this new movie that's going to start filming in about two weeks or so. Niall just about died because one of the actors is his 'baby daddy'" Hals put into air quotes.

"That's great. How many people were you thinking for the team? And are you guys just for hair or makeup as well?" I sat upright. "It's a fairly big production so I'm thinking twenty-five? Maybe thirty. It's always better to have more than needed rather than not enough. And we're doing hair and makeup. What's up with you? Anything new?"

"Uh yeah, Mike and Marilyn are having another Art gala tonight so I've been painting a lot lately. They decided to give me two main spots." I shrugged m shoulders. The Gala starts at eight so I still had ample time to get ready. "Two main spots?! Oh my God Lou! How do you feel?" Hali cheered. I feel..."Nervous."

Hali nodded her head in understanding. "Yeah I thought so. What time does the gala start?"

"At eight." I inform her. "Eight pm? Louis you need to start getting ready now! What are you doing just laying around?! Up and into the shower now!" Hali starts rushing around. I knew she had something brewing in that head of hers. No doubt she was going to doll me up. Of course I would let her. Less work for me and I had to look presentable after all. I would be holding two main spots which meant I would be taking pictures and talking to people about the paintings. The artists who hold the four main spots always take a group picture as well as a picture with Mike and Marilyn. These of course get sent to newspapers and wherever else.

"Okay, okay, I'm up, I'm going" I hop up and off of the couch once Hali starts to pinch my thighs.

Once out of the shower Hali barges in and begins to take over the bathroom, setting up her hair and makeup materials. By the time I come back from my room, lotioned, oiled and in some shorts the bathroom looks like a miniature hair and makeup laboratory. On one side of the counter different types of brushes, combs, gels, hair sprays and styling tools are all displayed. On the other, and infinite amount of makeup tools are spread out. Hali snatches me up instantly and leads me to a chair she had brought with her. It was the kind that spins and you could pump it up and down ti better access your clients hair or face.

"Jeez. Just take over my bathroom why don't you." I sass knowing it woud make her roll her eyes like she always did when I said something with sass or sarcasm. "Hush. Now sit and let me work my magic." She says very seriously. "Aye aye cap'n." I couldn't help but laugh a little.

By the time my makeup was done it was 6:00 on the dot. My hair took about another hour. At 7:10 I just about looked ready to walk the red carpet for God's sake. Hali wan't into all of this for nothing. All I could say was her coin was very well deserved. My sister was no doubt one of, if not the, best in the cosmetology game. You name it she can do it. Whether is be nails, hair, makeup, eyelashes, or whatever you could conjure up. Hali Tomlinson knew what the hell she was doing.

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