Chapter Seven: Undercover

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Taehyung's POV
I woke up to see a black haired man and a familiar red haired man. I sat up to see that I was back on the bed.

The red haired man, Hoseok, motioned for the black haired man to sit outside.

"You fainted over low blood sugar. The baby is alright right now, but you still need to eat more. Not eating enough can cause disorders for the baby or even worse. I'm sure you don't want that," Hoseok said as he flipped through pages.

I felt confused and looked at Hoseok with a confused look. Hoseok sat down next to me on the bed to show me the papers.

"How did you get here?" I asked confused.

Hoseok seemed to not be able to make eye contact.

"Jungkook called me," Hoseok said.

I opened my mouth to form an oh shape as I leaned against the headboard of the bed. I wondered if he knew about the situation I was in. I opened my mouth to say something, but Hoseok quickly interrupted.

"Is he hurting you? I saw the bruises on your wrist..." Hoseok whispered, twiddling with a pen.

I looked to the fading bruises on my wrists, rubbing them occasionally with my thumb. I shook my head no.

"Can you get me out of here?" I asked part of me already knowing the answer.

He looked back down and shook his head no.

"I'm sorry, he knows something that could hurt me," he said.

I shook my head.

"You don't have to be sorry. I understand," I said putting a hand on his shoulder in comfort.

Jungkook soon entered the room looking some what tense. I quickly moved my hand away as he walked to Hoseok.

"How's the baby?" he asked Hoseok.

"The baby is ok. He just needs to eat more," Hoseok said as he wrote some notes down.

Jungkook turned to me nodding.

"Ok, you can leave now," Jungkook told Hoseok.

Hoseok hesitated to stand up at first, but Jungkook motioned him to leave. Hoseok soon left quickly.

Jungkook sat next to me on the bed. He reached out to my cheek as he examined my face. I quickly looked away from him to move away from his touch, not wanting to be touched by him at the moment. My heart ached for him, but I had to be strong. I have to remember he isn't the same person I thought he was.

Jungkook isn't good for me...

Jungkook let out a low growl in frustration at my defiance.

I saw the black haired man from earlier enter the room.

"He's pregnant? Is it yours?" the black hair man from before asked in shock.

Jungkook didn't answer the question as he kept his eyes on me.

"He's staying here for a while," Jungkook stated.

I looked to the black hair stranger with pleading eyes. Wondering if he could read my expression that I wasn't there out of my own will.

"Sir, I'm worried about you... For the company's sake, this will look really bad," the man mentioned.

I noticed the formalities and the mentioning of the company. I huffed in realization. The man would surely not help me if he works for Jungkook.

"Yes, I know Jimin. That's why he is here. You know how much I value the company," Jungkook muttered as he turned away from me to face Jimin.

"Is this why Lisa was so persistent before?," the guy that must of been named Jimin asked.

Jungkook nodded in response. After a moment of silence Jungkook looked at Jimin.

"You should know your place Jimin. It would be a shame if you got in the way of my personal matters. You should head back to the company," I heard Jungkook threaten.

Jimin quickly bowed to Jungkook.

"Yes, Mr. Jeon. I'm sorry. I'll head back immediately," Jimin said.

He looked at me for a brief second before hurrying out the door.

Now, it was just Jungkook and I. He turned back towards me.

"You shouldn't have been so stupid. Are you trying to kill our baby? It's your fault you fainted," Jungkook scolded raising his hand at me.

I closed my eyes expecting an impact, but it never came. Jungkook hesitated and put down his hand. I opened my eyes to see a frustrated Jungkook.

"Why do you even care?" I whispered as I felt the overwhelming sadness once more.

Jungkook didn't bother to answer the question.  He looked at my face, as if he was searching for the answer himself.

"I will be back tomorrow. The doctor will be visiting you regularly now to keep track of the baby," Jungkook said before leaving the room.

Jungkook's POV
I fumbled with another wine glass as I sat down in the kitchen. Nothing felt right. I know what I'm doing is mostly wrong, but I can't stop. It's my baby. The thought of someone, even Taehyung, taking my baby away makes my skin crawl.

I found myself fumbling into Taehyung's room after a bottle of wine. He was already asleep this time. I laid in bed with him, placing light kisses on his neck.

"You're beautiful," I whispered, before passing out next to him.

Namjoon's POV
Yoongi kept saying things like how he won't snoop around other clients. I felt so frustrated.

I made up my mind.

"I'll offer you double," I whispered.

That was enough to change his mind...

Yoongi's POV
I planned on going undercover for this mission. Perhaps use a code name of some type. I dyed my mint hair brown and changed up my look quite a bit.

I smiled as it was already the next morning, and I loved a challenging case.

However, part of me still doesn't understand why Jungkook is acting this way. We have been friends for years and I never seen him so attached to something besides his work. I still don't understand his reasoning, but it's time to find out. Maybe, this case will help Jungkook. He defiantly needs some help right now.

I walked to Jungkook's front door, ringing the doorbell. The door was soon opened by a maid.

"Hi, my name is Suga and I am here for the butler position," I said with a fake smile.

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