Chapter 16: Bogum

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Four years later...
Taehyung's POV
Bogum and I have been good friends for a couple of years now. He's asked me to date, but I declined saying I wanted to take care of my kids first. Honestly, I don't know if I can trust a man in that way again though. However, the kids do treat Bogum like a father.

"Sana, Mina, it's time to eat!" I said as I brought them to the dining table of the apartment.

Bogum walked out of the kitchen and began to set up the table. He has been helping me so much since the babies' delivery. I smiled at him as he began to help the girls begin to eat.

A couple hours later I had the kids get in the car that I've been borrowing from Bogum to drive them to their first day of preschool. Bogum insisted to come with me to drive us, knowing I hated to drive. Reluctantly, I agreed.

Once we got to the building we found the class they belonged to I held their hands and brought them to the classroom.

"Papa, where are we going?" Mina asked, rubbing her eyes.

"We are going to your first day of school." I said gently, smiling as i brought them into the classroom.

"It's going to be fun," Bogum said to the girls.

"I don't want to leave you! I don't wanna go!" Mina began to yell.

They began to cry and cling to my sides. I wasn't sure what to do as I tried to get them to go inside the classroom. Bogum smiled at me, not sure what to do either.

"Are these your girls?" A extremely beautiful blonde woman asked as she approached me.

"Yes! This is Mina and Sana," I said smiling at the lady.

"Hello, I'm Rosé. Don't worry you will see your dads soon," the woman said as she crouched to have a better view of my children.

I blushed as she called Bogum their dad as well. I looked towards him, seeing a pink tint covered his cheeks as well.

Mina and Sana looked at me nervously. Mina fumbled with her brown hair. I ushered them to Rosé smiling. Rosé gave me an assuring look and motioned us to the door. Rosé brought them to a drawing station to distract the children, holding their hands gently.

I began to head out of the building with Bogum not wanting Mina and Sana to immediately come running back to me. I turned to leave the building, but I ran into a black haired man. I fell to the floor as I didn't expect the impact.

"Sorry," I began to say.

Jungkook's POV
Life had been a little harder since I left the company. Luckily, I had enough money to kickstart a company with Jimin. I was really lucky to have him by my side and start a music production company even though he can be quite annoying sometimes.

Jimin ended up getting married to a man name Sungwoon recently. Ever since they adopted a child, Mingi, Jimin has been messing up meetings with our artists and such. I have been constantly asking for him to take a break, but he always insists to keep working.

Buzz Buzz
Jimin 😷 is calling...

I picked up the phone, worried it was about the company or our artists.

"What's up," I answered.

"Hey, Jungkook do you mind dropping off Mingi at preschool for meeee. Pleaseee. It's his first day and Sungwoo has been in the recording studio. I still have to make some calls for the new music video shoot," Jimin began to blabber.

I sighed, slightly glad that it didn't have to deal with the company.

"Jimin, you know I'm not a babysitter. Why don't you ask the driver for the company or something?" I asked.

"Jungkook. Pleaseee. Everyone at the company is busy right now with Chungha's debut. The shoot is tomorrow for that after all," Jimin begged.

Usually, I would just try to pay someone else to do it, but today was different. I kept thinking about how my actual kids were doing. How Tae was doing. It would be exactly four years since I've seen Taehyung today after all.

"Fine, I'll pick him up in five," I said before quickly ending the call.

I drove in my black Porsche to Jimin's house. Jimin was at the entrance at the house with a crying Mingi right next to him. I got out of the car trying to figure out what was going on.

"I don't want to go with uncle Scwary," Mingi began to yell as Jimin began to usher the kid to the back of the car.

"Did he just call me sc-," I began to say.

"Don't worry baby. He might be scary, but he isn't that bad," Jimin began to say to the child as he buckled the kid into the back of the car, closing the door.

Before I could say anything to him, Jimin began to rush back towards the house.

"Thank you so much! I'll see you in the office!" Jimin yelled before entering his home quickly in a rush once again.

I sighed once more. Looking at the kid in the back of the car. The kid refused to make eye contact with me as he held a small shrek lunchbox, close to him. I got into the car and began to drive to the preschool that Jimin sent me.

"Are you ready for your first day, Mingi!" I said with a smile, not sure how to talk to the kid.

Mingi's lip began to quiver. He began to cry. I began to panic, not sure what to do.

"I'll buy you ice-cream later! Please don't cry," I began to say.

The kid immediately stopped crying. I sighed in relief.

"What type of ice-cream?," the boy asked, swinging his feet.

"Whichever you like," I said, pulling into the parking lot of the preschool.

'That worked well,' I thought.

The kid smiled as he began to swing his legs in the seat. I took the kid out of the car and began to walk into the hall of the school. The kid reached out for my hand. I hesitated to hold the kid's hand. Before I could hold Mingi's hand.  a small brunette ran into me, quickly falling to the floor from the impact...

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