Chapter 14: Division

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Jungkook's POV
I was shocked. I'm sure our families would be shocked as well.

"Lisa, you know how dangerous this is," I said referring to my father.

Lisa sighed as she passed me the papers and a black ballpoint pen.

"I've seen the way you look at him. You should be with him. Fight for him... Besides, we both know we would never be happy together... Don't worry about me, I have a plan for myself," Lisa stated.

I hesitated for a moment before taking the black pen. I signed my name on the divorce papers. Lisa is right.

Taehyung, he has always been there for me. It might be too late, but I have to try to be there for him too.

Lisa took the papers and left the mansion.

It felt so empty.

Taehyung's POV
After a couple hours, I felt a hand shake me awake. I opened my eyes to see Yoongi.

"Hey, we're here," Yoongi said before helping me out of the car to approach a house.

Yoongi told me that Jin and Namjoon helped pay off the house for me, but honestly I'm not sure how they managed to do it. The house was so nice and expensive looking. I opened the door as Yoongi followed behind me. We walked further into the house, into my new bedroom.

Yoongi gave me some papers, cash, and a new phone for the new identity. I read the name given to me by Yoongi.

"V?" I asked, confused on why he would name me a letter.

"It's better than nothing. Stop complaining. I did a lot of work for this gig," Yoongi sighed as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and then laid down on my new bed.

All of a sudden I heard a crash in the living room. Yoongi seemed calm, but after everything that has happened, I felt scared. I stood up and grabbed a broom from the closet in the bedroom.

"Are you gonna help me?" I whispered to Yoongi who still laid on the bed.

"I promise you that that you'll be fine by yourself," he said as he laid on his side to take a well deserved nap.

"How reassuring," I whispered under my breath sarcastically.

I entered the living room to see a broken wooden chair with a panicked Namjoon hovering over it while Jin scolds him. I smiled at the nostalgic atmosphere.

As soon as Jin saw me he ran towards me and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"Tae!!!! I missed you so much! We can't do anything without you! How are you?! How's the baby!" Jin rambled as he hugged me.

Jin was already crying. Namjoon was trying to put a chair back together?

I felt my eyes well up with tears.

"I missed you too! I'm fine. The baby is okay," I answered as I hugged Jin back.

Namjoon smiled as he saw me.

"I'm glad you're okay," Namjoon said.

All of a sudden I started to hear barking. Jin parted from our hug and approached a small blue crate that was in the corner of the room.

"I almost forgot. We brought you something," Jin said before opening the crate.

Immediately, a small fluff ball of a dog ran out of the crate towards me, barking excitedly. I smiled as the dog approached me. I petted Tannie with a smile. Even though the dog reminded me of Jungkook, I could never hold that against the puppy. The dog was innocent.

I heard a knock on the door. I went to open the door to see Hoseok.

"Hey Tae! I'm glad you're doing well! I'm here to pick up Yoongi," Hoseok stated before giving me a brief welcoming hug.

I felt confused as Hoseok entered the room, closing the door behind him.

"Yoongi! Hoseok, is here for you!" I yelled.

"Tell him to carry me! I don't wanna walk!" Yoongi yelled back from my room.

I looked at Hoseok, but he was all ready on the way to Yoongi.

Hoseok soon came back, with Yoongi on his back. Before Hoseok left through the door, he turned to me.

"By the way, if you ever need something, give me a call. I'll do anything, free of charge," Hoseok said, giving a warm smile.

I nodded happily.

I smiled at everyone, feeling like my family was here. However, I couldn't help to feel that something was missing.

Jungkook's POV
My father came in crashing through the mansion's door.

"I heard from Lisa's father that you are both divorcing?! What is this nonsense!" he began to shout angrily.

I backed away from my father, nervous.

"I should of knew you can't do anything right!" My father continued to shout.

That is what set me off.

"That's it! I can't take this shit anymore! I'm gay! What did you think was going to happen?" I shouted back.

"So, it's about that Taehyung getting pregnant; isn't it? You're just confused," my father began to question.

"It's not that! I'm tired of you forcing me to be something I'm not, just for the company's sake. Wake up! I'm a real person. From this moment forward, I quit!" I shouted before storming out of the house.

My so called father's face turned bright red.

"I'll find you Jungkook! You will regret this!" I heard my father yell at me.

I rolled my eyes at my fathers words before getting into my car and calling Jimin.

Taehyung's POV
Soon, everyone left me in my new home to go to work. I began to prepare for a shower. I took off my shirt, noticing something around my neck. I placed my hand on the chain that was around my neck confused. It look liked an engagement ring. I kept the ring to myself, feeling like it had some sort of importance.

Thanks for reading!!!! I have a lot of plans for the next coming chapters!!! Please comment and vote!😊

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