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Chapter 9

Hiccup let out a groan as his alarm sounded. He tried to cover himself with the blanket and burrow himself further into the bed when a-now-familiar female voice said "Rise and shine sleepyhead."

"Five more minutes....." Hiccup whined. The bed was so warm and fluffy. A very welcome change from sleeping on the ground in a cold desert.

"I have already given you an extra five minutes," The A.I. stated. "Any more and you will be late for your job."

Hiccup huffed and groaned but he did get up. His auburn hair was sticking up in various directions as he wiped his bleary eyes and some of the drool. He blinked and looked around the room. The Berkians were here for three days already and Hiccup still had to pinch himself to check if it was all a dream. He stood up and went into the small bathroom that was attached to his bedroom. There once under the warm water he thought back to everything that had happened a few days ago.

Stoick had not been very happy and quite suspicious of the three scientists. The Berkians piled into one of the big conference room and they 'oohed and aahed' when a holographic blueprint of the facility appeared before them. Hiccup could still remember what Mrs. Hofferson explained.

"Arcadia is a state of the art black site facility that has been in use since the early 22nd century. The facility was made to house many families since those working here could not readily leave. We are the only scientists left currently at this site because all the others fled upon the Genesis ships."

"But what does Arcadia do?" Hiccup remembered Fishlegs asking.

"Arcadia's main purpose is to further Artificial Intelligence and nanotechnology to try and terraform the planet." Drago, who had been assessing everyone, muttered. "So far the technology can only be employed on a small scale and is being tested within the Biodome."

"Our A.I. has so far exceeded our expectations and is not only maintaining the Biodome but also this entire facility." Hank stated as the hologram started to zoom in. "The facility itself is located approximately one mile underground. Some of you have already surmised that the main source of electricity and water is the dam and reservoir behind it." Gobber had let out an appreciative whistle at that point as the explanation continued. "The facility itself is divided into four main areas consisting of each three levels. The Biodome, waste processing, water treatment and reactor facility make up area D. Area A consists of living quarters, recreational facilities, training facilities and storage units. Area B is the R&D aspect and contains the infirmary, laboratories, coolant reserves and engineering department."

The explanation continued and once Hank had finished highlighting all four areas he proposed a deal to the Berkians. Mainly that they had resources and room for more people. They were willing to house the Berkians. In exchange the Berkians would help to maintain the facility. It seemed that even with the A.I. managing most everyday tasks they were still running short on manpower. Some things just had to be serviced by hand. Stoick thought for a bit and then argued with the eldest people of the Caravan as to the benefits and disadvantages of such a deal. Hiccup knew the benefits were immense. They'd be staying alive after all. But he also knew how prideful his father was. Partnering with the scientist essentially meant that they would be dependant on them for resources. Many of the Berkians thought they would abuse this but the Hofferson's surprised them. Dr. Bludvist had excused himself mid-meeting stating that he had a project to oversee so Hiccup couldn't really tell if he liked the man or not. The Hofferson's however were very cordial and they even promised to share Administrator privileges, to the A.I and Arcadia itself, with Stoick and the Elder council as a show of good faith. That would have basically removed any doubt the Berkians would have had as to their intentions.

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