Chapter 32

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Stunned, Keith turned away for a second, checking to make sure Madison hadn't come back outside yet. "You're sure?"

She nodded. "Listen, I have no idea what the bloody hell is going on around here, but I can say with absolute certainty that Madison was possessed. I watched the whole thing, I felt it, Keith. One minute she's trying to get that Molly girl to come around, and the next she's fighting the hunter for his sword."

"Fighting him for it? You mean...?"

"I mean... that as much as I enjoy the little twit assuming she killed him on purpose, the truth is she got damn lucky. The bastard fell on his own sword, she didn't kill him, but she was possessed. And whoever it is, he's only getting started."


"Yes, he. He's strong, and he's angry, and whoever the hell he is, he's got you in his sights."

"Who's got Keith in his sights?" Madison asked, startling both of them.

Sean followed a few feet behind, curiosity written all over that handsome face of his.

"Cybil said you were possessed." Keith supplied before she answered.

"You mean like before?"

"This has happened before?" Cybil inquired, stepping between the two of them, though she focused her attention solely on Madison.

Madison nodded, flushing slightly.

"You guys got some sort of haunting or something?" Sean asked, feeling left out.

Keith shook his head. "Not exactly."

"Well, what is it then? A relic, some sort of amulet?" Cybil wanted to know.

Madison was beginning to feel overwhelmed. She realized something hadn't been right, the whole time she'd been grappling with Damien trying to gain control of the sword, she'd felt... wrong. Like she'd been standing outside herself and watching, but at the same time, she sensed the moment his soft flesh gave way as he tripped and the sword plunged into his stomach. And suddenly she found herself straddling him, pushing it to the hilt.

There'd been blood everywhere, she gagged on it, but she had to make sure he was dead. And deep down, some part of her had enjoyed it.

"It's a painting." She informed them quietly. "A painting of one of my ancestors."

Cybil's brows rose.

"Keith and I have both felt the effects of it, but usually only when we're inside together. I don't, I don't understand."

"The door was open," Keith told her, running through it all himself. "Cybil said he's getting stronger, he must have been able to affect you because the door had been left open."

"Cybil," Madison broke in. "How did you know I was possessed?"

"She has the sight," Keith answered for her.

"I can speak for myself, thank you. And to answer your question, both my grandmother and my great-grandmother were lycans, you know, gypsies."

That made a lot more sense to her, Madison recalled all the research she'd read. How Angels had mated with gypsies, and that their magic allowed the lycan virus to mutate, causing the shapeshifting as well.

"So you're a hybrid witch, is that what you're saying?"

Cybil laughed, a low, husky sound, one more sexy attribute that annoyed Madison on almost every female level possible

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