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Shourya's POV:

The day was quite fun with all the acting stranger part and water sports i love. In the evening we hit the pub but again as strangers who met just now and trying to get along.

She was wearing a light yellow knee length summer dress and sitting across me at the pub. I wore a white T-shirt on blue jeans.

We were talking about each other's interests like usually the strangers do in order to get to know each other, when my phone rang and I had to go out to take the call.

When I came back I didn't find her at the table we were sitting, I looked around in the pub but she wasn't there then my eyes went to a rather dark corner of the pub a shadow looked like her, wait 2 huge built up guys were also there pulling her away in the dark. She was struggling trying to free herself from their grip but one of them held her from waist, my feet automatically started moving the the direction.

Disha's POV:

While we were busy talking to each other like strangers, we didn't realize there were 2 pairs of eyes constantly staring at us. Shourya's phone rand when we were in the middle of our conversation and he went out of the pub to take the call since it was very noisy in there.

As soon as Shourya went out 2 men with huge built up reached our table, one of them sat where Shourya was sitting and the other stood behind him.

"Hello Beautiful" The man who was sitting across me said.

"Excuse me, that chair is taken. Please find yourself another table." I said looking at him in the eyes.

"Oh is it? Sorry we thought that guy just went out leaving such a beauty alone here so we thought to accompany you." The man replied with a smirk on his face while showing his yellow teeth.

"I don't need company, please leave. My husband is coming back in 5 minutes." I hissed at them.

"Husband? With the way you two were conversing it seemed you both just met. Don't lie to me Beauty, I can see what you are looking for in this romantic place as Maldives talking to stranger man so boldly. I can give you what you are looking for, lets go have some fun. I am sure you will forget the other men you met till now." He replied while licking his lips.

I felt disgusted and hence I decided to get up and look for Shourya so we can leave for another place or better our room. But to my shock, as soon as I got up the man who was standing came and stood in front of me. When I asked him to move he held my wrist tightly and asked me to agree to them else I will bear the consequences.

When I started struggling to release my wrist from his grip the man who was sitting got up and held me from my waist making a loop around my stomach almost carrying me. They both started dragging me half carrying towards a dark corner, I tried to shout to gain attention while I was still struggling to get out of their grips, but all my efforts went in vein since the pub was very loud and their grips on me were strong.

I started getting nervous, I was looking around to see if Shourya was back.

'Oh god Shourya, where are you? Please come, I need you badly. Please show up and help me' I was thinking and calling him in my thoughts.

Just when I was busy calling him in my thoughts my eyes closed and trying to free myself from their hold, I heard his voice.

"Leave the woman right now." I opened my eyes to see his handsome face, his eyes were red probably in anger, his expressions were stern and he was looking straight in their eyes.

Then he looked at me and his eyes soften a bit before turning stern again towards the two men dragging me. Behind him there was one of the bouncers of the pub, Shourya along with Bouncer stepped towards me and the men who tried to abduct me, before I could blink my eyes series of punches landed on my abductor's faces. They were crying now and praying for mercy. Shourya almost tried to choke the guy who held me from waist. I was worried for Shourya, he was very angry and looked dangerous.

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