Happy Ending

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Disha's POV:

Shourya hugged me like his life depended on it. I couldn't control my tears once I was secured in his arms, I was shivering with the fear of what he could have done if I wasn't able to pull it.

Shourya tightened his grip on me and rubbed my back until I calmed down. Police took Vikram Singh away by this time and Dadi along with Mr. Jai Singh, Rishabh and their wives arrived too.

Dadi told them what Vikram Singh did and how we planned all this together to put him in his place.

When I stopped crying, Shourya pulled me out of the hug and cupped my face, he looked in my eyes lovingly and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"Why were you so worried Dishu when he threatened to push you? Don't tell me what I am thinking is right?" He asked and I became a little sad.

"Hey what happened sweet heart. Why you became sad?" he asked me, concern showing in his eyes.

"It's nothing. Lets go to others, they are giving us privacy that doesn't mean we should forget them." I said trying to divert the topic.

"That's alright, we are husband wife and we can take our time to comfort each other. Its not normal for couples to go through such situation. Also I asked something, tell me why you were frightened?" he asked me again and I didn't know how to answer that question and how he will react.

"Umm Shourya.. that.. umm.." I couldn't find the answer to his question, words wont come out of my mouth.

"Dishu, what is it? Are you Pregnant?" he asked me and I looked at him to read his expressions but couldn't, he seemed concerned for me but no happiness or sadness was there associated with the question he just asked.

I felt disappointed. I looked down and just nodded my head slowly.

"Oh My God! Are you serious? Wow that's such a great news, why didn't you tell me idiot? And why the hell were you sad just now when I asked you?" he screamed with excitement and everybody looked in our direction. I too looked at him surprised, I thought he will be sad about the news since its too early, we still have a lot to catch up with each other.

"I didn't get a chance among all this tension, I wanted to tell you in a better situation and place. Also the way you said 'Don't tell me what I am thinking is right' I thought you don't want it right now." I said looking down shyly.

"Are you kidding me? You Idiot I am very happy, it doesn't matter if its early or late since its ours. But you should have told me Dishu, what if something bad happened tonight? I cant afford to loose you, you need to understand it." His tone changed from happy to angry to concerned with love.

I looked at him and placed one of my hands on his cheek.

"I am Sorry, I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out but I just couldn't between all that was going on. I knew how much you were worried for me and Nick, I didn't want you to be more worried for the baby too." I said felling guilty that I didn't tell him.

"How far are you? You Mrs. Mehra are in some serious trouble, you just wait and watch what I do to you." He said lovingly and I smiled sheepishly at him.

"3 weeks" I said and everyone heard us. They all came and hugged both of us and gave us their blessings.

Dad and Dadi were a little angry too but they came around when I told them I found out just yesterday, since they knew how tensed I was they let me off the hook. Shourya was very happy and I was happy seeing how happy he was.

Finally all the danger was over and we all went back to the palace.

Dadi asked servants to serve dinner and bring some sweets before that to celebrate the good news I gave all of them an hour ago.

We all ate dinner chatting happily and before bidding them goodbye I told Dadi that I and Nick would want to give our property to some charity since we don't need it. She was surprised at us but then I made her understand how our parents lead simple lives even though they had lots of money. Of course not as much as royals but more then enough to lead a rich lifestyle and still leave some for the next generation.

Shourya and Dad promised Dadi that we will keep visiting them and told her that they should also visit us in Delhi.

We came back to our hotel rooms.

I just came out of bathroom after taking a shower, I was in my bathrobe taking out my nightgown from the bag when Shourya held my waist from behind.

I stopped what I was doing and turned to face him. He was standing there bare chested smiling at me.

"What is it Mr. Mehra?" I asked smiling at him.

"Well Mrs. Mehra its time for your punishment for not telling me that I am going to be a father as soon as you found out." He said tightening his hold on my waist.

"Umm Ahem, Mr. Mehra it is not a gentleman's way to punish a poor pregnant innocent lady." I said making an innocent face like a child.

He chuckled and pulled me closer to him leaving no space between us.

"Poor and Innocent? You? You are none of those things sweetheart and you know that. Listen I checked with our family doctor and my friend Trisha who is a Gynecologist, and they both say I cn punish you but I have to be a little gentle. So Mrs. Mehra get ready tonight is going to be a long night for you." He said smirking and leaning towards me.

Before I could say anything to protest he captured my lips and carried me bridal style without breaking the kiss, he took me to the bed and placed me carefully on the bed still kissing me. We kissed for what seemed like hours, we parted when we were both out of breath. He stoke his hand on my cheek while his one hand was around my waist and his lips claimed mine again. The rest of the night he tortured me gently with his love and care. I thanked God and my parents to bring him in my life as my soulmate, he is the only one who knows how to make me laugh, distract, attract, contradict my own self, manipulate and convince me. His care and love only belongs to me and that is the best thing I could ask for.

Finally my life with him will be filled with happiness and no worries. I couldn't help but smile all night when he was busy with his sweet torture which was making me even happier.

**************************************THE END*************************************

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Love you all.

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