C H A P T E R 3

65 3 0

We walked to our lockers and grabbed the stuff we needed. Luckily, I had my first class with Laura.

History, and I hate it. We walked to the classroom and when we stood in the doorway, my eye fell immediately on our spot.

Laura and I always sit in the very back. On the left side of the classroom.

I looked at the tables and saw two boys. I looked at Laura and she looked annoyed too.

We always sit there and we wanted to sit there now too. One boy had brown hair and the other one was blonde.

I don't know them and don't know their names, but I've seen them around.

I think they are always with three other guys. The tables in front of them were also already occupied.

Of course, always trying to be with boys. Tiffany and Meghan, sat in front of the two boys.

When I saw them I rolled my eyes and I just knew Laura did too. They were already talking to the boys behind them and giggling and playing with their hair.

I looked at Laura and made a puke sound and movement. She rolled her eyes.
La: "Same girl...same. I can't stand them"

We sat almost in the back of the middle row.

I practically sat next to Tiffany, there was only an aisle between us. But this were the only acceptable seats left.

I looked around and when I looked at Tiffany's direction, I saw her glare at me.

Ughh, I hate this girl so much, she's so fake. I rolled my eyes at her and looked in front of me again.

??: "Are you okay, Tiffany?"
The brown haired boy behind her said.
She smiled at him.
T: "Yeah, I'm good"

??: "Who's that?"
He said to her as he nodded his head my way.

T: "Oh- uhh... S-she is uuh one of my friends"
She said quickly and smiled again.

??: "Okay?"
He said while he was still looking my way.

T: "Hey Y/n! Girly, how was your holiday?"
She said with too much excitement.

I turned around and looked at her. I looked behind her and the brown haired boy looked at me too.

He had ocean blue eyes. They were beautiful, never seen that kind of eyes before. Then I just stared at Tiffany.

She nodded her head a bit, telling me to answer. I saw that she still had hate and disgust in her eyes, but she tried to hide it. Probably for the boy.

Y/N: "Uhmm, good?"
T: "Niceee. Mine was good too. I went to Bora Bora, my parents bought me a new car and I won a contest together with my horse. We won a lot of money"
She said as she looked at the boy from time to time.

She was bragging so much, ugh. I think the boy saw it too, because he frowned a bit and looked back at me and then again at Tiffany. She ended her story with a fake, sweet smile and looked at the boy.

Y/N: "Good for you"
I said uninterested as I gave her a thumbs up. She looked mad.

I rolled my eyes and faced the teachers desk, because he was going to start this lesson anytime.

I turned to Laura and she fake gagged. I giggled. I could feel that the boy was still looking at me.

I slowly turned around and he quickly looked away. I turned around again, because the teacher was asking for attention from everyone.

I had sience after history and I was not with Laura and not with Eva in that class.

But another friend of mine was with me. I quickly walked up to him and took the empty seat next to his.

Y/N: "Leooo, how was your holiday?"
Le: "Hey, girll. It was good, hung out with Oliver a lot"

Y/N: "Awhh, goals. Wish I had someone to be goals with"
I said laughing.

Le: "Ohh, trust me, you're going to find someone"

I knew Leo since I was a kid and we are still close friends. He's dating Oliver for about one and a half year now and they are so cute together.

They got a lot of negative comments and stuff like that, so it was hard for them.

But they are happy now and don't care about what others say. I looked behind me and the blonde boy sat behind Leo.

Next to him, behind me, sat another guy from their little group. He had dark brown hair and was already messing around.

Oh lord, I hope that he doesn't let something explode, because after all we're still at sience here.

The boy made a little paperball and I already saw what he was about to do. He blew it at his friend and it landed in his eye.

??: "OUCH, ZACH!!"
I quickly turned around and bursted out laughing.

Leo looked at me and then behind him. I heard the boy behind me laugh too. I think his name is Zach, because the blonde one screamed that pretty loud.

Z: "I'm sorry, but come on, it was funny"
He said laughing

??: "No it wasn't"
He said while rubbing his eye.
Z: "It was, that girl thinks it was funny too"
I turned around.

Z: "It was funny, right?"
He said to me.

Y/N: "Uhh? Yeah, it looked funny, but if he's really hurt it isn't that fun anymore"
Leo turned around too.

Le: "What happened?"
Y/N: "This one blew a paperball in that ones eye"
I said as I pointed to the boys.

Z: "This one and that one have names"
Y/N: "Oh? Really?"
I said sarcastically.

??: "Yeah, duhh. I'm Corbyn and this little shithead here is Zach"
Z: "I'm not a little shithead"
C: "A big shithead then?"

Z: "Uhm... What do you think of no?"
Y/N: "Hmm I like 'this one' and 'that one' better"
Z: "Okay, well you're 'that girl' soo..."

C: "What are your names?"
Y/N: "I'm Y/n"
Le: "Leo"
Z: "Okay, so that girl and Leo"

Y/N: "oKaY, this one and that one"
C: "What did I do to be called 'that one'?"
Y/N: "Oh sorry. So this one and Corbyn"

The teacher walked in and class started. Zach was goofing around the whole time and kicking my chair and he wouldn't stop.

The teacher got annoyed with us and Zach kept messing until I hit his leg pretty hard. Even my hand hurt from it. And luckily he stopped.

The rest of the classes were just boring.

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