C H A P T E R 36

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The lake. I hope she didn't go to it. What if something happened? What if she fainted or something? It made her really upset thinking about what happened. So it would be extra hard for her to actually see the place. I ran towards it. No one. It didn't look like she was here or that she had been here.
Ja: "No no no no"
I said to myself, out of breath. I started panicking. What if something actually happened? I took a deep breath and thought. Hands in my hair, thinking about possible ways to find out where she was. Did she have her phone with her? I think so. I could check her location on snapchat! I quickly got my phone out of my pocket and dropped it, almost in the water, and checked the map. I saw where she was. I started to run again. She was in the middle of nowhere. It didn't feel like this was good. Tears starting forming in my eyes. I reached the location. It was a field with flowers. I didn't see her anywhere. The sun shone in my eye, because something reflected the light. It was something black, it was quite big. I walked up to it. Oh hell no. No, this can't be true. No, no. Fuck! I picked the phone up. It looked like Y/ns. I couldn't believe this. Why was it here? She wasn't here and her phone is here. On it's own. Something happened, she disappeared again. Why are there so many freaks out here. I didn't want to believe it. I clicked on the button so the screen lit up, to see if it was actually hers. I saw two happy people on the background. A boy and a girl, both smiling widely, arms around each other. Y/n and me. She still had me on her background, after everything I did. But that meant this really was her phone. I panicked even more. What do I do now? Call the others? Go back to inform teachers? Call the police? Go search for her alone?
Ja: "Y/N?! Y/N! Y/NNN!"
I screamed on the verge of crying.
I cried out. I was panicking so bad, worst case scenarios played in my head. It was dead silent. I walked through the field. She definitely was near, her phone was laying here after all.

*Y/Ns P. O. V*
I was playing with the little flowers and already made two headbands. It was really fun to do and it was very calming, just what I needed. A loud noise startled me, I almost lost my balance and fell off the branch, but I quickly grabbed the tree for support and managed to stay where I was.
??: "Y/N?! Y/N! Y/NNN!"
Someone screamed with a shaky voice. It sounded like the person was upset and almost... crying?
??: "Y/N PLEASE!"
It was definitely a boy, he was really close. It sounded like Jack, but he doesn't know I'm here, he doesn't even know what happened, right?
He was definitely crying by now.
Y/N: "Hello?"
I said softly. I didn't really wanted to talk or see someone, it was quite nice here on my own, but I couldn't let him leave again. He sounded so worried and would definitely search further and tell others. It was quiet. Even the hysterical crying stopped.
He cried out again.
Ja: "Please let her come back, I need her, she can't leave again and be gone for good. I-I love her"
He said probably to himself, but I heard it too. He loves me?
Y/N: "Hello?!"
I said a bit louder this time.
Ja: "Y/n?! Is that you?! Where are you?!"
He yelled.
Y/N: "Yes, it's me. I'm here, do you see the big tree?"
Ja: "Yes"
I heard him running towards the tree, I could see him a little bit now. He looked around.
Ja: "Where? I don't see you"
Y/N: "Here"
I said, teasing him.
Ja: "Why can't I see you? Can you see me?"
He looked at the edges of the field. I giggled.
Ja: "I can hear your cute giggle"
I definitely blushed when he said that.
Ja: "Now, where are you at?"
Y/N: "I'm up here"
Ja: "What?"
Y/N: "I'm in the tree idiot"
He looked up, but still didn't see me.
Ja: "I don't see you. Am I that blind?
I face palmed myself. I grabbed a pinecone and threw it at his head.
Ja: "Auw!"
He said as he rubbed his head. He saw me now though.
Y/N: "Sorry not sorry"
Ja: "Are you okay? Are you hurt? How did you get up there? Did it hurt with your arm?"
Y/N: "Jeez, calm down, I'm completely fine"
He climbed up to me and sat next to me on the branch.
Ja: "I really thought you got kidnapped again"
Y/N: "Yeah I figured. You yelled pretty loud"
Ja: "You heard everything?"
I nodded.
Ja: "E-everything?"
Y/N: "I think so"
I'm pretty sure I heard everything and I also knew what he meant, but I decided to just go with this answer because it would be better for now.
Ja: "I found your phone"
Y/N: "Oh huh? It must've fell out when I bent down to pick flowers"
He handed me it and I saw quite some notifications.
Y/N: "Wow, Zach texted me a lot"
Ja: "Yeah, what happened?"
Y/N: "I don't really want to talk about it. I honestly want to be alone"
Ja: "Oh I'm sorry"
Y/N: "It's fine"
I said sighing as I opened Zachs messages. He also called a couple times too.

This one: 'Y/n'
This one: 'I'm sorry'
This one: 'Where are you?'
This one: 'I'll pick you up'
This one: 'I don't want you to be alone'
This one: 'Are you safe?'
This one: 'Y/n?! Everything okay?!'
This one: 'I'm coming to search for you'
This one: 'I'm worried. Where are you'
That girl: 'I'm safe, don't worry'
This one: 'Thank god'
This one: 'Where are you? I'm picking you up, I'm already walking on that long path'
That girl: 'You can go back, Jack is already here. Thank you tho'
That girl: 'Really sweet that you'd do that even after we had a little argument'
This one: 'I'll always do anything for my friends, you know that'
This one: 'Please come back though, I want to talk to you'
This one: 'And also to Jack'
That girl: 'We'll head back soon, don't worry'
This one: 'Great, see you soon'

Y/N: "He wants to talk to me. And to you"
Jack nodded and leaned to me to look at the messages on my phone. I heard the branch make crack noises. Oh no we have to go back before it breaks.

To be continued...

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