C H A P T E R 34

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I looked at them, impatient for an answer. Jonah stepped aside and I could see the table behind him. Zach sat there, alone, head down, staring at the little candy wrapper he was playing with. He looked exhausted.
Y/N: "He is not okay"
Ja: "No he isn't. This kind of stuff is hard for him, he's an emotional guy. He changed a bit on that topic because of what happened a year ago. I don't know if he told you, but he lost his grandparents in a short amount of time and he had a hard time processing that, especially because of the way how it happened, that's probably why it's hard for him now. His grandmother got robbed and the robbers injured her bad, she was home alone that night and called Zach. But he was too late, she died because of her injuries. It killed him to know that he was too late and what happened. He was really close with his grandparents. His grandfather died some time later, basically of grief. He didn't have any energy to do anything without his wife by his side, he was angry, scared. He almost stopped eating and wasn't healthy anymore, it took its toll. That was a hard time for him and he can't really handle stuff like that and what happened to you, so he's a bit off"
Y/N: "That's... Horrible"
Ja: "I don't think that he slept tonight, like almost not at all, so he is tired too"
Y/N: "Oh, okay"
I walked to the table while the others minded their own business again.
Y/N: "Hey lifesafer"
I said trying to cheer him up while I sat down next to him and nudged his shoulder. He didn't react and just kept staring at the wrapper in his hand.
Y/N: "Are you okay?"
No response. I bent over a bit and looked at him.
Y/N: "Zach? Are you alright?"
He looked up.
Z: "Hm? Oh... Uh yeah I'm fine"
He said looking around, avoiding eye contact. He cleared his throat.
Z: "Sorry, I have to use the restroom real quick"
He said as he got up, still not looking at me. I grabbed his arm.
Y/N: "Zach? Now the truth please, be honest"
He looked around nervously while I waited for an answer. Then he looked me straight in the eyes and I saw tears shining in his. He was not fine, not at all. I hugged him thight.
Y/N: "It's okay, we're all safe now. Thank you for saving my life, I wouldn't be here now if it weren't for you. Thank you"
He sniffeld a bit.
Y/N: "Please talk to me. We'll go for a walk outside. You need to talk, Zach. I heard what happened last year and you can't keep your feelings in, you really need to talk"
He nodded a bit and let out a shaky breath.
I walked back to the group.
Y/N: "Uhm guys? We're going for a little walk, okay?"
I went back to Zach and we headed outside. We started walking and Zach didn't say anything. I only heard him sniffle. I didn't know how to start this conversation, so I just tried something and started with a question.
Y/N: "How did you sleep last night?"
Z: "Not"
Y/N: "Not at all?"
He shook his head.
Z: "You did?"
Y/N: "Not much. I fell asleep pretty quick but woke up because of a nightmare, Laura woke up too and calmed me down and I guess I fell asleep in her arms"
We didn't say anything, it wasn't a really awkward silence, but still, it was weird. I decided to just be honest.
Y/N: "Look Zach, I don't really know how to do this and what to say, but I can see that you need someone to talk to. And it always helps me to just tell everything that's on my mind and how I feel and how I felt in that moment, so maybe you should try it too. Can you do that for me? Please?"
He looked at me and took a deep breath.
Z: "I just.. I'm- It's... When you laid there I just- and he-"
He couldn't form a normal sentence and his words were shaky because of the salty water drops streaming down his rosy cheeks.
Y/N: "Calm down, it's okay, take your time. Deep breaths. Here, take a sip"
I said as I handed him a bottle of water that I took with me.
Z: "In that moment I just didn't think and just did what felt right. But after you were safe I actually realized what happened and what I did. And I just see how you laid there, lifeless, almost purple, because of the lack of air. You could've died easi-"
He noticed that tears were streaming down my face too. I couldn't imagine what I looked like or what happened when I was out, so it was a bit scary to hear.
Z:" Oh sorry, maybe it's better if I stop. I didn't think about how shocking this would be for you"
Y/N: "No continue please, I'm okay, just... a bit overwhelmed"
Z: "Sure? I really don't wa-"
Y/N: "I'm sure, Zach"
He sighed.
Z: "Okay, but as I said, you could've died and that just hit me hard, especially after what happened with my grandparents, I can't handle robbery, murders, kidnapping and things like that. And I was just scared that we would lose you and I'm angry and confused too. All because of that stupid asshole. Why are there people in this world who think it's okay or a good plan to rob, injure someone, kidnap, kill, why?!"
Y/N: "No one knows, no one knows. Those people are just weak, can't get their own life on the road and think it's okay to destroy others. Yes, it's sad, yes, it's unfair, but can we do anything about it? No, so we have to live with it and prove that we're stronger, prove that we're better than them and prove them wrong. I kept fighting till the last breath because of that. I thought about you guys, about my life. I couldn't leave you guys behind and die because of some freak. No I wanted to prove him wrong, let him see he's toxic and that I'm stronger. I didn't feel ready to leave everyone, so I was like; Nuh, I'm not in the mood to die yet and fought back. I could've given in, it would be a lot easier for the both of us, but I didn't want to leave this beautiful place with the people I love yet. Doesn't matter if I'm in an argument or if I am best friends, I would fight for anyone"
He stopped walking.
Z: "W-wow, that was... I don't know what to say"
Y/N: "You don't always have to say something"
I said as I hugged him.
Z: "Yeah...t-that's true"
Y/N: "Thank you"
Z: "For?"
Y/N: "Saving my life. Opening up to me now, caring about me and just everything you've done for me and for everyone else. Always there for anyone, even though if you're in an argument with them or if they are in an argument with someone else. We honestly don't deserve you Zach"
Z: "This doesn't help to stop crying. You're way too sweet"
Y/N: "It's all you"
We pulled away and I drank some water. I calmed down a bit and stopped crying, finally. I think all of my tears spilled now, there are not many left. Zach luckily stopped crying too. We continued walking through the beautiful nature again.
Z: "If you want to talk about how you feel, do it please. I'm always here, you know that"
Y/N: "I'm good. Just focusing on the happier things and pretend like it didn't happen"
Z: "You're unbelievable, I wouldn't be able to pull that off, good job"
Y/N: "Thanks"
Z: "Uhm I-I have one more question"
He said a bit unsure. I looked at him and walked slower, my heart beated in my throat, I don't know why, but I didn't have a great feeling about this. A hand waved in front of my face.
Z: "Y/n? Y/n! Are you okay? Can I ask my question?"

To be continued...

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